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"The Second Prince has arrived!"

The Eunoch announced and the entrance from the banquet hall opened, my hands linked on Seonghwa's arms as we stepped inside.

A feeling of tension brewing inside of me when I realized, this was no typical banquet.

This is a banquet that consists of every noble family the Kingdom could ever know, to the highest ranking ministers and richest noblemen, and my so-called family. They can all and might be present in the room we are about to enter.

My gaze cast on the Prince beside me. His all-black court outfit complemented my solely all-white outfit. The King and Queen have yet to arrive, however, Lady Nari has already taken a seat on a special chair with a warm smile etching her face. As Seonghwa's name was called, the room quieted down and everyone stood up and bowed. He had always been respected despite how fearsome he was.

Multiple men and women stared intensely at the man beside me. His manly achievements, his superior body and skills made him the better man in their eyes. His dark hair and black clothes enhanced his pale, milky skin. His cold black eyes, which frightened them also drew them into the danger that his aura possessed. His masculine features drew their eyes to stare at his face longer than propriety suggests, but I cannot blame them.

Park Seonghwa, the infamous prince, the Malicious Star, Is a vision to behold.

"You may rise" He declared in his ominous voice and we together sat in our seats. The eyes of noblemen trailed onto him with jealousy and the eyes of women seethed with desire.

The women's gaze turned even more ugly when they saw how we typically check for poison in the food- which is always mistaken for a lovely and sweet gesture. To how the servants no longer attended to us because 'we attended each other' And to how I gave him a portion of my pastries and tarts because according to their murmurs we 'care deeply of each other'

We continued to ignore their stares and whispers until the most awaited arrival, everyone rose from their seats and bowed upon the announcement of the King and Queen. "Rise" Said the King the moment he sat down, their seats were at the ends of the hall and a platform higher than everybody else.

"We have gathered here once again to celebrate the most delightful birthday of my favourable First Ranking-Concubine, Lady Nari. And the celebration of the First Snow of this year. Tonight, we are going to feast till our stomachs are full and delight to our very extent" The King lifted his cup, "Raise all of your cups and celebrate!"

After drinking the toast everyone celebrated and dancers began to glide towards the stage. The musicians started to fiddle with their zithers and multiple people came to Lady Nari's seat to greet her with a toast on her milestone day.

And me and Seonghwa did that together.

"Happy Birthday, Mother." Seonghwa bowed his body in courtesy. It's evident that despite him growing up with viscosity and ruthlessness, he will always have love to give, and that is to his Mother.

I stood at a respectful distance and surveyed the delicate glint that flashed through the Prince's eyes as they exchanged words and gave a toast, afterwards, I stepped near the concubine and she shot me the brightest smile.

"This Lady greets the First-Ranking Concubine" I bowed and she instantly interrupted me.

"You don't have to use such honorifics dear, Lady Nari is fine." She warmly beamed and her grin made me ponder— would Seonghwa's smile be as bright as hers if he broke his cold mask?

"Happy Birthday, Lady Nari. I wish you nothing more but pleasant years ahead of you. I'll always pray that nothing but prosperous and abundant things come your way."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now