familiar lips

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The tension in the court was palpable as Lady Nari stepped forward to address the King's pointed question. The King's stern expression showed a mix of curiosity and disbelief as he looked at me.

Just as I was about to explain myself, Lady Nari, with her composed demeanor, stepped forward and shouldered it instead of me.

"Your Majesty, when Jangmi was proclaimed dead, I found her, wounded by bandits outside the palace walls, she was not only physically injured but also deeply scarred in her soul. Due to the gravity of her condition, I deemed it best to keep her survival a secret to protect her from further harm and to aid in her recovery."

The King's brow furrowed as he processed the information. "And why was this information withheld from me? Why was I left in the dark about this?"

She continued, her voice steady yet pleading, "I beg for your understanding, Your Majesty. As Jangmi was recuperating in my quarters, your son fell in love with her. You graciously granted them a decree for marriage. I vowed to keep her true identity hidden to shield her from the pain she endured and to safeguard her well-being."

The court remained silent, hanging onto Lady Nari's words. The King, deep in thought, finally spoke again, "You have acted out of a sense of duty. But how can I trust that such a deception won't happen again? "

With a mixture of relief and gratitude in her eyes, Lady Nari nodded fervently. "Your Majesty, I am forever devoted to your service and the well-being of our kingdom. I only sought to ensure its safety."

The King, acknowledging her explanation but still visibly skeptical, concluded, "Let it be known that transparency is paramount in this court. Lady Nari, you may sit down, but remember that the trust between us should never be compromised."

As Lady Nari retreated from the throne, she shot me a meaningful glance, which I could only return with gratitude. Seonghwa remained silent, his eyes lingering on his mother before shifting to me.

Meeting his gaze, I was reminded of how he had referred to me as his wife and his woman. Unbeknownst to him, a pang of hurt surged through my heart as I realized he hadn't meant any of it.

It was all just for play.

"Everyone! Not only are we going to celebrate the First Snow of the Year and Lady Nari's birthday, but also celebrate the fact that Kim Jemma, The first legitimate daughter of the late first-ranking general is alive and happily married to the Second Prince. Let us celebrate their union!"

Everyone cheered, except for the faces of my used-to-be family.  Daeun was seething in hatred whilst Eunbyeol had a disgusted scowl on her face. But their faces couldn't even compare to the rage in Lady Minseo's face.

"Lady in Consort, how would you like everyone to call you still?" The Queen Interrupted amidst the ecstatic atmosphere.

I stood up sophisticatedly with a lowered head. "My Queen, This Lady would want to be referred to as Jangmi still. Jangmi means rose, a beautiful flower that bloomed right after the tragic incident. This is not to create a new identity for me, but a new name for someone reborn." I spoke with a fragment of truth.

"What a ravishing name," The Queen clapped. "I've always heard your mother boast that you can play the Guzheng whilst she was still alive, won't it bother Lady Jangmi too much to play for us tonight?"

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now