deja vu

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Why did it feel like I have known those eyes staring back at me, for as long as I lived?

I did not intend for it to end up like a genuine kiss that was pushed through a romantic drive, but somehow the kiss was soft and slow. The tingling sensations of his succulent lips were still lingering on my body, even after I pulled away.

I prepared myself expecting the Prince would unleash his anger after I kissed him without shame. However, to my very surprise, his face was almost similar to mine. Bewildered and confounded- like he also felt what I felt when our lips locked.

"Insolent girl!"

Breaking me away from my thoughts, I swept my head to the side when the outraged voice of Lady Minseo fell into my ears.

"I apologize, Your Majesty, this child surely can act out of propriety. I'll be sure to teach her a lesson..." She forced out a bright smile whilst tilting her head lower and avoiding looking the Prince straight in the eye. And just like a flicker of light, Seonghwa's face was back to being unreadable like how it has always been.

"She's coming home with us" Daeun firmly added and stepped forward to grip my arms. Catching me red-handed, Daeun miserably failed when Seonghwa clutched my hand first to keep it out of her grasp.

"She's my woman and she lives under my wing. She's not coming with you unless she says so" Seonghwa announced with authority, my eyes lingering on the way he clasped his hand with mine. This was unlikely of his demeanour.

"But Your Highness-"

"You filthy whore!" Eunbyeol, who was spacing out the entire time, lounged at me. My words earlier seem to finally register inside her and has not taken notice of the prince beside me. She flushed red from anger and lifted her hand, ready to harshly slap me.

"There is a coequal penalty for harming the Lady in Consort, Miss Eunbyeol"

The sudden voice appeared at the ends of the hallways, echoing within the large marble walls which halted Eunbyeol halfway. Everyone's eyes except Seonghwa and mine enlarged in surprise when they realized it was no other's voice. But the voice of Yeosang.

"You!" Lady Minseo stood in her stance as her eyes turned into utter disbelief. "No wonder why you disappeared right after Jemma vanished, you followed her and deceived me!"

"You look quite high into yourself Lady Minseo. For a noblewoman like you, you should have been aware that my father worked for Young Miss Jangmi's mother. Not you." Yeosang slowly walked toward us before crossing his arms and leaning towards the column.

"Son of a-!"

"Husband," The situation was already irritating to indulge in, who would want to spend time with annoying pests who merely want nothing but to pollute the air I breathe? My eyes mischievously faced the man beside me.

He seems to enjoy referring to me as 'his wife' and 'his woman' surely nothing would harm if I did a similar thing.

"What is the equivalent of harming the Lady in Consort, especially within the palace walls?" A discrete smirk tugged my face as I surveyed the three women before me.

"A trial" The Second Prince simply stated, a frown etched my face. That wasn't the answer I was expecting.

"Yeosang, what will the trial consist of?" I shot the blonde-haired ahead a meaningful gaze, hoping for an answer that'll make these three women faze and make them reconsider the fact that it's always free to leave me be.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now