Chapter 34

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Cleo POV

The awful enemy known as the sun makes its way into my room. I pick myself up before doing a few stretches. Yep you read right I did in fact  pick myself up. And you wanna know where.

The floor

Shocking I know turns out these kids got their sleeping habits from me. I got knocked over in the middle of the night which btw hurt a lot due to the wounds on my body.

I tiptoe to the bathroom making sure I don't wake my babies up. I head into the shower. Once I'm done with my cleanup session I head to the closet and thankfully my clothes are still here where I left them.

I grab my favourite baby blue oversized t-shirt and sweatpants and along with my ankle length sneakers.Once I'm done untagling my unruly wild  hair. I carefully and quietly sneak out the room to the kitchen to make some food for us all.

On my way there I took the time to carefully observe my surrounding. Everything has changed since I left. For starters the walls in the hallway have changed from a lovely beige colour to boring white.

like what the hell.

No one in this house  likes that colour  on the walls especially with kids around. So my guess is Jason's new girlfriend.

I will admit it hurt a lot when I first found out to the point I wanted to actually kill myself and be dead for real this time, but I was able to overcome it remembering  that there are other people other than him who are very important to me.

Once I'm down the ginormous stairs I am met with some yelling immediately recognizing the voices as Jason,Elizabeth and Matteo.

I know I'm not supposed to ease drop but once I heard my name I just had to listen in.

"Why would you let her stay here let alone my house?" Jason asks trying his best not burst into anger mode.

"Why would you ask such a thing she's injured first of all, she's the mother of your children and third she is important  to the rest of us" Matteo fires back which makes me smile proudly.

"I don't care about all that you can't just let her stay here especially when my fianceè is living here and with me already moved on" Jason quickly responds.

"What happened to you? Because the Jason I know would not say such things. My best friend probaby went through hell while we where here singing and dancing. I know if tables were turned she would never have given up on any of us so i will never do  that  same mistake ever again and so what if you're fianceè is here you have many mansions all over the world why not go to one of them  because she is staying here with or without your concern and thats final" Elizabeth says and at this point my mouth is wide open  in shock.

Elizabeth was always the happy one rather than the talk back kind of gal. So hearing what she had said really touched my heart and left me starstruck.

Seeing that I have heard enough I run back up a few steps of the stairs and stomp loudly making my presence known and also to make it look like I had just woken up. They all stop what they where talking about. Jason had already left the room along with Matteo trailing behind.

"Good morning" I happily greet her before heading to one of the chairs  at the counter.

"Oh hey, did you sleep well" she asks and flips yet another pancake.

"Well the kids were kind of pushy but that's okay because I missed that"

"Yeah well they also missed that, those kids could not sleep so most of times they would sleep in your room and even sometimes wear your clothes that had your scent on it."

"Well  I'm here now so there is nothing to be worried about"

"Yes you are here and I'm glad to have you back, anyways pancakes are ready time to call everyone down for breakkie"she says before making her way to the stairs but I call her back.

"You don't have to go all the way up those stairs to wake them up, I can use the bell to wake them up"

Elizabeth laughs at that before answering,"that bell was deeply missed let me go get it for you" she rushes to the kitchen pantry bringing back a very important object to this mansion and that is the bell.

I used to ring the bell every time it was time to eat. It was annoying to them at first but they all had gotten used to it and it became a very special object to us all.

I happily take it from her. I grab the nearby duster and quickly  dust of the dust and cob webs.

After the little clean up I start ringing it and it was as if I never left.

Very soon loud thuds can be heard and in come the kids followed by the grown ups. Jessica came down panicking.

"What what what's going on is there a fire" she quickly says while still in her pajamas and what looked like green gooey face mask.

"No there is no fire just the bell meaning it's time to eat that's all so you can relax now." I answer and I can hear Elizabeth and Scarlett who had just joined us trying not to laugh.

"Oh um well um I'll just go and get dreased then" she says with a red face of embarrassment and heads up the stairs.

"Once she is up the stairs Scarlett and Elizabeth burst out laughing at the scene that had just occurred.

"C'mon guys leave her alone she didn't know" they both roll their at my responsible manner. I hear my name being called by two little voices immediately recognizing them as my two little babies.

I head to the stairs  standing at the foot of the stairs I look up to find the two of them along with Michael standing at the top if the stairs.

"Yes baby  what's wrong?" I ask them.

And ofcourse Camilla is first to respond, " we need help down de staiyes mommy" she answers.

"Okay fine but why didn't you get help from your big sister"

"Because we wanted your  help"she answers back.

I quietly laugh at her response before heading up the stairs.Once I reach the top I carry Michael since his the youngest. And hold each of  the twins hands on either side of me and we slowly head down the stairs gently.

Once we reach the stairs I guide them to the table where everyone is waiting except for Jessica and Jason.

I head to the middle of the table away from where I used to seat which was at the head of the  table with Jason.

I hand Michael over to his mom and head to my seat be for grabbing the twins high chairs which where also close to the head table.

I place them on either sides  of my chairs. Once I've settled them in I sit myself in between them.

Not a moment after I had sat Jason and Jessica arrive and seat themselves down. He looks around probably looking for the twins and spots them with me and relaxes.

Food is brought in. I grab two pancakes quickly using the animal cutter  i used to use for Emma and cut the pancakes into little animals.

I hand the twins their animal shaped pancakes and they smile widely. "Mommy do magic twick" Cameron gasps and so does Camilla.

They laugh loudly causing everyone to look in our direction most of the faces where also smiling well except for Jessica she was scowling.

After I hush them down I pour a little  syrup on to their food. Michael soon asks for his pancakes to be like the twins and I happily do the same  for him he thanks me and digs in as well.

After breakfast the kids went on to play and the rest went on with their lives, while the girls and I stayed behind to catch up on our lives. Well mostly their lives. I missed this

The end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed  it . 
Note if I use these emojis👁📖🌟 it means.


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