Chapter 36

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Cleo POV

"Its okay if you don't feel comfortable telling us you don't hav-"

"No it's fine I'll tell you guys" i answer and they all lean in more to hear the story.

"Well it all began on the night of the accident, I had just finished grocery and was heading back home, suddenly a truck came out of no where and hit the car making it tumble and roll until it was upside down, after I called you guys I was starting to feel really light headed and just as I was about to you know  "die" i saw a figure coming in my direction and squating down in front of me, I could tell that  they were definitely smiling because the gold tooth was shining in the moonlight.
I remeber waking  up to find myself in a  Plane and the men in there had seen I was awake and  they cloaked me and I fell into deep sleep yet again. I wok-" I struggle to answer with my head feeling dizzy again

"Sorry I've been getting these bad headaches" i answer honestly

"You don't have to talk any further to save up your energythe doctor did mention your need to rest up" Scarlett assured me rubbing my back in the process.

"No no it's okay I'm good where was I,  oh yes I woke up again this time in a room and I was tied down in a chair, I couldn't see where I was because it was so dark A man came out of the shadow and he told me his name was Ricardo and that he was taking revenge  on Jason for the death of his sister and father" I could sense Jason's muscles tense from beside me along with his jaw clenching real tightly.

"What happened next"Matteo asks trying his best to keep his cool.

"Well he tortured me every day asking me questions about Jason and everytime I didn't answer a question which by the way was all the time I would get hit thus leading to all the bruises and marks I have be cause I never answered a single one of his questions he just gave up and turned me  into a slave in his island mansion where I was beaten and pushed around by the guards and other slaves and then one day one of the guards dropped  their gun so I picked it up and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to escape seeing as you guys never saw any of my messages.

But I needed to deal with something  first and that was putting an end to Riccardo so I crept up to his office and I did a surprise attack on him and we had a little fight  which lead to  the scar on my arm and I hit him  with a vase whilst he was focused on his head injury I took that as my chance and shot him at instinct I had escaped but I soon found out that the island I was on  was on the other  side of Australia and since I didn't have any money for a Plane ticket and none of you where answering my calls and I had no ID,passport or any form of identity with me I had to work for the money that's why it took me a year to get here"

once I finished my long story I turn to see Elizabeth and Scarlett rush over to me gulfing me up into a big bear hug which I happily  returned swiftly.

"I can't believe you went through all that even when you were being beaten  you still held strong to protect us"

Elizabeth sobs we held that position for a little before the sound of Mickeys crying along with the twins could be heard and we jerk from our position and rushed to the noises quickly saying our good night's to one another knowing very well that we will most likely fall asleep after they fall asleep.

I rocked the twins for what seemed to be for ages and they fell back to sleep. Just as I was about to fall asleep as well a knock came from the door.

"Come in" i answer and the knocker opens the door without wasting anymore time. Emma's little figure comes in with her dragging her blanket along with her.

"Mommy I can't sleep can I sleep with You?" She asks using her puppy dog eyes and I instantly melt at the sight of them.

"Ofcourse care bear come on over" and with that said she happily skips over to the bed and I tuck her in right beside me we both fall asleep.

Next day (13:00)

We got back to the house at 10 in the morning and since it was a Sunday we just lounged around.

The kids had gone with the guys to the water park except for my little Emma because she still feels like ill disappear again if I'm not around her at all times, So now  the girls and I along with Emma are now heading to a cafe for some coffee and a little girl time.

We arrived at the café, we brought Dave and Leo as security. Jason had told us we needed to each have 2 security guards of our own and obviously us being us went against it and just brought those two instead.

We decided on sitting outside since it was after all a beautiful day. An hour passed by with us laughing and joking and we all agreed it was time for us to leave 2 black suv pull up parking in front of the café entrance. They came out rushing towards and they were armed with guns.

Dave and Leo stand in a protective stance but are shot immediately Scarlett leans down to check on the two only to tell us Leo is the only one who can still have a chance to live.

I pass Emma towards Elizabeth and grab out my gun and begin protecting them. I was able to kill 3 of them but I didn't know was that there were more of them and they had snatched Emma from Elizabeth's grasp.

I waste no time in running just as I'm about to reach them I feel a sharp sting on my left calf I look to see that it was a needle and the man who inserted smiles like an idiot. I try my best to not give in to the effects.

But I could not any longer all I could see was Elizabeth running up to me but can't because i was already thrown into the SUV while Scarlett is yelling for Jason to come.Soon I let the darkness consume me knowing that I had failed to protect my family.

Jason POV

We arrived back at the mansion from the water park an hour ago and now we are waiting on the girls to come back. We wait patiently but they stI'll have not arrived I try calling Elizabeth but it went straight to voicemail.

I know I made an oath not to do it but I did and ended up calling Cleo the phone picks up but instead of hearing her sweet voice I am met with Screams and gun shots along with Scarlett yelling for help.

"Jason you guys need to come quick  some men came and they took Emma and Cleo they shot the guards but Leo is still breathing come quick!!!!!!!!!!" Just by hearing that the guys are in full alert and Lucas begins tracking the number to its location, while Matteo starts calling some of the men to prepare the cars.

I on the other hanf am trying to wrap my head around the fact that the love of my life and  my child have been taken from me.

Just as I'm about to head to the weapon's room the phone rings. I look on caller ID to see that it's an unknown number Luckily Lucas is right next to me and knows what to do in case it's the kidnapper.

I answer it hesitantly," Daddy?" And I immediately know that it's Emma.

"Princess are you alright"

"Yes but daddy I'm scared and they don't want to take me to mommy"

"Hey hey it's okay everything is going to be fine, remember that you're a brave girl"

"Yes (a chuckle is heard from the phone)  how touching listening to a  father daughter conversation" just by hearing that voice I knew who it was already.


End of this chapter and now the moment I and maybe you ha've been waiting for the last chapter.

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