tea party

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Maidservants flocked over the figure amidst the room.

The woman wore a white dress with three layers to it. The first layer was a soft fabric that contoured her body perfectly. The second and third layer on top, was a see-through silk wrap that flowed over her body and reached the floor, making her silhouette mysterious.

She wore her hair up, with several pearl hair pins and pearl bracelets that adorned her jade-like complexion. Her brown eyes were just as enticing as the beauty that she possessed.

She wasn't just beautiful, she was bewitching and vaguely threatening.

There was a brief knock on the door that stopped them. The dressed woman's gaze trailed to the entrance before she ushered Miyeon to go and open it.

"My Lady," Yunho emerged the moment the door opened before lowering his head, she nodded her head as a greeting. The shadow guard then slowly lifted his head with a meaningful look plastered on his face.

"It's time."

A smirk gradually tugged at her lips before it disappeared in a flicker.

"I'll be there shortly" Jangmi grinned in a sophisticated manner, the emotions in her eyes were completely hidden as she covered it with her refinement.

Just as she was about to step out of the room, the very sight of Seonghwa instantly broke her tracks.

The first thing she notices is his sharp eyes that compel anyone to get enthralled by their mystic depth, just like how she instantly gets lost in the trance of his gaze. His towering figure hovers over her, the form of his that beckons each and anyone he stumbles upon to stare at him for as long as time could suggest.

Instantly, the memories of last night drifted on her mind like a film.

"Let's go back together"

This was his first initiative to ever do something that included her, she merely nodded her head placidly and faced him with her back, the steps of the prince gradually following her suit.

The tension was brewing in each second as they walked in the empty hallways until they reached the chamber, yet none of them still uttered a single word until after they took turns using the washroom and changed into their
nightly attires.

"Sleeping on the floor will only make your body sore."

Jangmi curiously tilted her head upwards, a scrunch between her temples was evident. "You knew?"

"That you wait for me to sleep first and succumb to the floor?" He raised a brow before fixating his eyes on the large bed. "Sleep here, stop pretending like the bed is too small"

When he only caught the eye of the latter's wide eyes he cleared his throat and proceeded to explain himself. "I am a man of my words-"

"I did not even think of anything" Jangmi held both hands up to prove her integrity, averting her gaze towards the ceiling of the chamber and engrossing herself in the architecture whilst the man before her remained perplexed.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now