fourth step to her rage

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Lady Nari's powerful steps instantly caught everyone's attention amidst the turmoil inflicted by Jangmi's sudden swoon.

"Who has dared to harm the Lady in Consort of the Second Prince?!" Her powerful voice boomed across the pavilion.

At her announcement, the shadow-guard of the palace emerged from their hiding spots, especially Yunho who instantly took his stance to prevent everyone in the tea party from leaving. Everyone attending the event shivered and some of them kowtowed to prove that they had nothing to do about Lady Jangmi's poisoning.

Lady Nari has a position equal to the Queen despite not having the title, as the assumptions say; Lady Nari is a full-blooded royalty from the Kingdom of Saelum, the third princess of their monarchy. Supposedly she is the first love of the King of Cerys that even despite being in an arranged marriage with Queen Yuri, he still took Nari as the First-Ranking Concubine and even bestowed her the decree that has a power similarly capable as the Queen, honoring the blood that ran in her veins.

She deserves the respect given to her and will always have the right to penalize everyone who will harms her and anyone around her.

Jangmi coughed as the light in her eyes gradually drifted away. The blood from her chin already reached her pale dress, making a scarlet cluster bloom at the line of her clothing. Seonghwa gazed at the woman in his arms as she struggled to keep her eyes open, the clench she had on the Prince's shirt becoming tighter.

"Mother," Seonghwa croaked out, this was the second time in his life that he lost his composure and felt panic. Despite being already in various assassinations, and mass killings and witnessing other people's lives at stake, his heart clenched at the sight of the maiden in his arms.

Lasy Nari's heart drummed faster as she glanced at the unconscious Lady in the arms of her son, even amidst her anger, her eyes softened and she croaked out. "Go, take her. I'll promise to uncover the mastermind behind her poisoning."

In a blink of an eye, Seonghwa lifted the hazel-haired with one swoop and he sprinted. The thoughts clouding his mind no longer made him pay attention to whoever he bumped with as he ran; as his only goal is to reach the infirmary.

The door from the infirmary hammered open and the Prince instantly settled the bloodied maiden on a bed before sweeping his gaze towards her ladies-in-waiting.

"Change her clothes" Was his cold yet commanding voice, Nurse Seo was the first to take initiative and step forward before they did what they were supposed to.

Realizing they were going to strip her off, Seonghwa glanced away and fixed his eyes on the scenery out the window until Soojin motioned to him that Jangmi was finally dressed in her nightgown.


The voice of Mingi interrupted him and the Prince merely nodded his head before giving out several orders. One was to send for the absent infirmarian and the second was to go on a lockdown, frenzy wafted the atmosphere as guards and maids scurried around, visibly scared at seeing how distressed the Second Prince was.

After the years they have spent in the palace, the only time they have seen Seonghwa panic was when his sister was murdered by rebels. The memory of how the Prince instantly turned into a madman and killed the rebels without sparring any mercy was still engraved in their mind's eyes; a memory of why they drastically feared him

And seeing him right now made them want to beg for their lives even when they had nothing to do with the Lady in Consort's poisoning. Taking action, they immediately followed his orders and made minimal movements within the estate.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now