(Janet POV)
"I- what?!" I exclaim.
"Do I need to say it agin? Betray Katrina or-"
"Janet?! Is everything okay?" Katrina came running in, a worried look on her face. The kids trailed behind her wake. Riley had a fearful expression. I don't think she ever really heard me yell like that before.
"I don't know who you are or why you're threatening me, but stay the FUCK away!" I screamed in the phone before hanging up.
"Janet? Are you okay?" Katrina asked.
I give her a hard glare. "Kids you're going to Chad's. Katrina and I have to.... talk. Alone."
The kids nor Katrina bothered to object as I stormed off and called Chad. He didn't he even complain when I said I was bringing the kids. I guess my tone of voice was scaring him.
"See you kids. We'll pick them up tomorrow Chad," I said as Chad ushered the kids to his Honda.
"Oh uh yeah no problem dude," he said as he walked away.
I close the door and see Katrina sitting on the couch, her legs shaking. I go and get a wine bottle for me and a vodka bottle for her. She gladly accepts.
"Janet what was that call about?" Katrina asked in a slightly guarded tone.
"You gotta tell me more about your past Katrina," I said bluntly. She sputters.
"Because a Russian man called and threatened to kill me and the kids if I didn't betray you," I said.
The look in Katrina's eyes was pure fear.
(Katrina POV)
I now knew who called Janet. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how the found me. The American and Canadian governments promised me safety from the Russian government.
I gulp, shaking violently. The scars on my back started to throb again. Fear coursed through my body. Janet looks at me with so much again. It was all too much. The PTSD, the angry look on Janet's face, and the fact that I had put both out families' in danger? It was all too much. I put myself in a fetal position and started crying.
I couldn't see Janet's face, but I could tell she was shocked. I never ever cry. Especially in front of people. But my emotions took over. My feelings for Janet, the PTSD, our lives. I couldn't take it.
"Hey there it's okay. Look I'll stay with you okay? Then we can watch each other. Sound good?" Janet asked as she runs her and up and down my spine. Her touch was electric.
"What of our kids?" I asked.
"They'll be fine Katrina. But you gotta tell me what's going on. What was your old job?" Janet asked.
I opened my mouth to respond when a ding came from Janet's phone. She looked at it and smiled.
"Hey a hot guy swiped on my tinder profile!" Janet exclaimed.
She handed me her phone and I took a look. The photo looked a bit photoshopped, but I dismissed that as my eyes still being wet. The guy had close-cropped black hair and sea-green eyes. I don't know why, but this picture unsettled me.
"He wants to meet up tonight. Says he's in town for a job. He wants to meet at the bar in half an hour!! Holy shit I need to go! Katrina will you pick me up at 7? I have a feeling I won't be sober," Janet asked.
"Da. Sure," I say bluntly. Janet hugs me before rushing out the door. I just stare at the door for a while. I didn't know what to do. As I stand there I feel my blood boil. She was so blind to my feelings. I was sick of it. She snuggles me and kisses me, but still claims she's straight and runs off with a random guy? Nope. I ain't getting rejected like that.
I look at the clock. It was 6 pm. I decided I would go crash a date and spy on Janet.
(Janet POV)
I wonder where he is? I thought. Finally I see a guy sitting alone. He looks at me and smiles, gesturing for me to take a seat. I cautiously walk over. I could tell that this was the same guy, but he looked different. He was more muscular, than, and his hair was slightly longer and more ruffled. He still had his sea-green eyes too.
"Hello! You must be Janet!" He says.
I smile. "That's me. I'm Janet Collins. Pleasure to meet you...?"
He laughs, "Oh right. I forgot to introduce myself. You look a bit like the last girl I was with, but that was four years ago. My name is Jay."

The Complicated Love Story: A Jatrina Story
Fanficheyyyy so this isn't the sequel to my first book. I just wanted to try something different and so here we all are. Okay so in this we get to experience how Janet and Roger met, their wedding, Riley's birth, and Riley's toddler years. We experience...