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Constructive criticism IS allowed just dont be an asshole about it. This is an oc fiction story meaning the characters aren't real and are made up in my imagination! Also, dont be a silent reader, please leave comments! Maybe even share the story with your friends? Only if you want ;). Okay that's all, enjoy! -Author B

About/Aesthetics of Characters:
(all photos from pinterest)

Name: Violet YoungeBreed: Girlboss Issue: Internalized HomophobiaTalent: Rejecting PeopleBaddie: For real

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Name: Violet Younge
Breed: Girlboss
Issue: Internalized Homophobia
Talent: Rejecting People
Baddie: For real

Name: Jones MadisonSexuality: Glass ClosetIssue: Retired Emo Crush: A "Straight" GirlHates: Men

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Name: Jones Madison
Sexuality: Glass Closet
Issue: Retired Emo
Crush: A "Straight" Girl
Hates: Men

Name: Sofia Viking Cat: Lover Wishes: Upon a Shooting Star

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Name: Sofia Viking
Cat: Lover
Wishes: Upon a Shooting Star

Issue: Ginger
Gets: No Action
Obsessed: With a Fuckboy

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