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"Hi honey, how was the camp?" Delia asked on seeing her son for the first time in more than a month.

"It was amazing mom! I saw so many new Pokémon there! The assistants even had a mock battle there for us to experience the real thing! And I made a new friend named Serena, she was hurt by a Poliwag! And-"

"Slow down Ash," laughed his mother. "Take a breath, I'm can't understand when you're speaking so fast."

"Sorry," Ash sheepishly replied. "But it was so much fun. I mostly hung with Leaf and Jonathan, and Serena when she became our friend. All the other kids were fawning over that jerk, Gary Oak!" Leaf, Jonathan and Gary were Ash's neighbors and Gary was Professor Oak's grandson.

"Ash!" his mother scolded him. "Is this how I raise you? To use such words? And what's wrong with Gary? I thought he was your best friend?"

"He was, till three weeks ago! But he mocked my dream to become a Pokémon master, saying it will never come true since the only one capable of becoming a Pokémon master is the great Gary Oak," Delia could hear the sarcasm in Ash's words.

After pondering on her son's words for a while, Delia commented: "So is your dream of being a Pokémon master worth your friendship with your best friend?"

"Of course, it is! From now on, we are rivals! But just you wait; I will definitely become a Pokémon master!" Ash replied with passion burning in his eyes. It was at that moment that Delia knew that this was just not some childish dream, which she had assumed it was till now. It was what Ash truly wanted, his goal in life. And Delia knew that she would support him, help him, and guide him to reach that goal. And she decided to start doing that now, with some tough love and brutal honesty.

"That's nice Ash, till now I had no idea that you were so passionate about your dream. I just assumed it was a childish fantasy," laughed Delia, with a hand rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "But," here her demeanor turned serious, and Ash knew he better listen to his mom, "I'm sorry to say this, I don't think you'll reach your dream."

"..." Ash opened his mouth, then closed it after a few seconds, not knowing what to say. He tried to avoid showing the hurt on his face, but he wasn't sure if he was successful.

"I'm not finished, Ash," his mother continued. "I don't think you can achieve your dream as you are right now. And if you think about it, you will realize the truth in my words."

"No! You're wrong!" Ash tried to protest vehemently but stopped when his mother raised her hand to cut him off.

"Oh really? Then tell me, how many Pokémon are there in the world? Do you know the different types of Pokémon? Do you know the strengths and weaknesses of each type of Pokémon? Do you know what all moves a Pokémon can learn? Do you know what to feed a Pokémon, to give them a balanced diet essential for their growth? I don't need to continue, do I?

At each question his mother fired off, Ash's face fell further and further and he now he was barely restraining his tears. He started at a touch on his shoulder and looked up at his mom who had a similar teary expression on her face. He was wondering about that when his mother continued talking.

"You think it is easy for me to tell you all this?" his mother questioned. "But I had to. It's my duty to tell you this." At Ash's questioning look, she continued "A mother's happiness lies in her son's happiness. Nothing can make a mother happier than watching her son pursue his dreams, and eventually reach them. But she has to help him, and guide him till he reaches his goal," she told him gently and lovingly, all traces of her strict persona gone now.

"But... But," Ash will forever deny that he sniveled, "You just told me that I won't reach my goal. How is this guiding me?" Ash said frustration and anger evident in his voice.

"How else was I supposed to get to you?" his mother questioned, her voice still gentle. "I knew that I couldn't just get you a book on Pokémon to help you prepare for your journey. You hate studying; you probably would not have even opened the book I got you. I had to tell you this now, as you needed a wake-up call. Becoming a Pokémon master is one of the toughest things to achieve in this world, you need to be prepared Ashy", his mother pleaded, hoping her son would understand why she said what she said, that he would learn, and most importantly, that he would forgive her for this.

3 Days Later

"Mom," he started, catching her attention, "I've been thinking of what you said." Here he grimaced before continuing, "and I know that every word you said is the truth. I'm just not prepared for my journey. But, I have Eight years for my journey to start, and I want to spend the Eight years studying whatever I can to achieve my dream."

"Oh, Ashy! I'm so glad you've decided that!" Delia said brightly. "Have you thought about how you will go about it?" she questioned.

"Well, I was just going to go to professor Oak's to ask him to teach me," Ash mumbled sheepishly, with his right hand rubbing the back of his head, a gesture he picked up from his mom when she was nervous.

"Oh, that's okay honey. As much I don't want to say it, I know that I cannot help you with your education on Pokémon. I was never a trainer myself," she said with a downcast expression.

"That's alright mom! You're helping me however you can!" insisted Ash.

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