Chapter 3

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As usual I don't own Harry Potter.

The Granger family walked into the hotel lobby and straight up to the front desk. Karen pushed to the front of the group.

"Granger family rooms immediately. We booked. And hurry up about it," Karen shouted rudely.

"Granger family? Is there a Hermione with you by any chance?" Came the familiar Irish voice.

"Luna? Hello there, I didn't know you were working today," Hermione said, grinning.

"I wasn't going to but Spencer got a case so I didn't have anything better to do. Cassiopeia, Celeana is in the staff room if you want to see her. She wanted to come with me because she knew you would be here. You know she never misses a chance to see her lovely girlfriend," Luna smiled serenely at Cassiopeia.

"What about our rooms, stop gossiping and get the keys you insufferable women," Aunt Karen barked.

Luna blinked and turned to Hermione.

"Has Umbitch somehow been reincarnated into your aunt?" She asked, laughing slightly.

Hermione joined her in laughing.

"Right, Hermione, here are the keys to the Penthouse, your parents, the Williams and the Potts have the Snake and Lioness rooms and the rest of the normal rooms on floor 2," Said Luna, smiling.

"Dad, she took my penthouse," whined Kandii, turning to her father.

"Hermione, give my daughter her keys immediately!" Matthew demanded, glaring at her threateningly.

"Actually, sir, those keys rightfully belong to Mione and if you try to take them from her you will be forcibly removed from the premises. She is the CEO of this hotel." Came a deep voice from behind the group.

"Ohh, hello Blaise," Luna said, smiling.

The rest of the Granger family took their keys sullenly other than Hermione's cousins. They flocked to Blaise who shoved them away from him and told them, on no uncertain terms, that if they came near him again he would have them removed from the premises. Hermione and took her family, minus Cassiopeia, to the Lift. She smiled and slotted in her Penthouse key card. Blaise joined her in the lift and they talked about how Draco's meeting was going.

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