Chapter 4

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I still don't own Harry Potter, sadly.
Hope you like the chapter.
I know this is literally the same as all the others and I am sorry.

Hermione opened the door to the Penthouse, smiling at the familiarity of the place. This was the first hotel that she and Draco had opened, and it was by far her favourite. The twins ran to their shared bedroom, shouting in excitement. A key turned in the lock and Cassiopeia came in with Celeana trailing behind her, a gentle smile on her face. Her short, curly blonde hair was in a French ponytail and her brown eyes were gentle, looking adoringly at Hermione's eldest daughter.

The next day Hermione sat in the small kitchenette and smiled. She had made pancakes and everyone was sitting down, eating and chatting. She took a moment to appreciate how far she had come since Voldemort had been defeated.

"Right everyone, we have swimming this morning so everyone go and put on your swimsuits. Cassie, please can you look after Asterope while I look after Orion and Castor," Hermione said, smiling around the table.

"Of course mum, come on Aster, we got to get changed," Replied Cassiopeia, grinning at her younger sister.

"Cassie, I am not a baby, I don't need your help. I am twelve," Asterope said, glaring at her mother and sister.

"Okay, please can you just get changed,"

When they finally got downstairs to the lobby, they were greeted by Hermione's Aunt Karen shouting at Luna and Spencer who were standing in the lobby.

"Is there are problem here, Aunt Karen?" Hermione asked politely, silently seething inside.

"This bimbo won't serve us. Disgraceful service, but no wonder with you being the CEO," Karen replied, glaring at her niece.

"Actually, Luna isn't on duty right now, so she doesn't have to do anything for you. Now stop harassing her and her husband or I will have you arrested. Let's all calmly walk down to the swimming pool and relax. Luna will be coming with us, along with her family, okay, Auntie Karen," Hermione seethed, her hair seemingly crackling with energy.

Karen took a step back and stopped making a fuss, and the group ambled slowly down to the swimming pool. The slutty cousins were already there, wearing the tiniest slips of fabric as bathing costumes. Hermione ignored them and made a beeline for the group of people sitting on some of the sun loungers.

"Mione" one of them said, smiling.

It was a dark haired man, who was sharing the sun lounger with a petite young women. She had fiery red hair and every inch of her face was covered in freckles. She grinned, and jumped up making the man fall onto the floor. He glare at her with reproachful green eyes, his hand moving to rake the dark hair out of his eyes, showing a brief glimpse of a large lightning scar.

"Mum, stop strangling Aunt Mione!" Came the voice of another young girl, who looked exactly like her mother other than her eyes, which were the same as her fathers.

"I'm not strangling her Lily," the other women said.

"Actually Ginny, you are sort of strangling me," Hermione informed her.

Ginny let go, apologising but grinning wildly. A smaller girl with her fathers dark hair and green eyes stood next to Adhara. They were chatting wildly, the girls small freckled face alight with happiness. Two older boys walked up, the first one grinning and ruffling Lily's hair. The eldest one, James, had dark hair and his mothers brown eyes whilst the second one, Albus, had red hair and freckles but his fathers green eyes. A blonde women came up behind Harry, grinning and ruffling his hair before darting away before he could do the same to her. Her wife followed, rolling her eyes but smiling fondly.

"Lavender, stop annoying Harry," She said, "And hello Hermione. Hope your well."

"Yup, how are you and Rose?" Hermione asked, smiling and her old friends from school.

"Oy, Granger, stop disturbing these people. We know you want to be famous but your not going to get it by annoying Harry Potter. He'll get you arrested!" Shouted Matt, walking up to them. He stared greedily at Lavender and Ginny.

"Back off, mate," Harry said warningly.

"Hello beautiful girls," Matt said to Lavender and Ginny, completely ignoring Harry.

"That's my wife, back off or she might actually kill you," Harry said, a warning tone in his voice.

Matt one again ignored, instead flirting with the girls. Ginny finally snapped and punched him straight in the face. Then she grinned and high-fived Lavender. Matt ran off back to the hotel and the rest of the Granger family stared at Ginny in shock.

"Mum, did you have to hit him right in the face? I know he was being creepy, but seriously, it's embarrassing!" Minerva said, but she didn't mean it.

She was grinning, and a while later she started whispering to Adhara about something while watching her mother having fun in the pool with Hermione, Lavender, Parvati and Harry. They pointedly ignored the mean part of the family but included everyone else and soon the group was having so much fun. Eventually they had to get out of the swimming pool and go for lunch.

Hermione was at the table, sitting down and eating. She reached across the table to grab a roll, when she felt someone grab her wrist.

"Oh my god, Hermy's got a tattoo! Look, Mum, Hermy's got a tattoo!" Brittanii shouted for the whole table to hear.

"It is NOT a tattoo, Brittanii. It is a scar." Hermione said, glaring at her cousin.

"Of course it's a tattoo, you probably got drunk and regretted it the next morning!" Honey added, her golden hair whipping Hermione in face as she turned to look at the scar.

"Actually, it is a scar, and it has a very traumatic story and I would appreciate it if you would stop making Hermione relive the experience!" Harry intervened, sending a glare towards Honey and Brittanii.

"What does it even say? Mudblood? What type of word is that?" Krystal said, laughing.

"Mudblood is a derogatory term which is not tolerated in this hotel. If I hear you say it again I will have you forcibly removed from the hotel," Blaise intervened again, a dark scowl on his face.

There was a sudden tapping of glass from Jill Smith.

"My daughter would like to say something, now that everyone is assembled," She said, glaring around the table.

"Yes, Guess what....I'M ENGAGED!!"Kandii said, showing a ring with a fake diamond on her engagement finger.

"To who?" Squealed Tiffany, already cooing over the ring.

"DRACO MALFOY!" She exclaimed.

There was a shocked silence, and then Hermione started laughing hysterically, Ginny joining in.

"What's so funny?" Matthew asked, "My daughter is engaged."

"Well, you see we know she isn't engaged to Draco Malfoy because we know him and he is already married. He wouldn't want to marry a fake blonde bimbo like you whose had far too much plastic surgery," Ginny replied, grinning.

"How dare you be so rude to my daughter, I demand you apologise at once or leave," Matthew replied, glaring at them.

The entirety of the Malfoys, Reid's, Patil-Browns, Potters and Hermione's family left, going to their separate rooms to talk and figure out what to do that evening.

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