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"....wait!" He shouted after her, but she took off before he could say another word.

As her footsteps came in contact with the clear wooden floor they boomed and echoed throughout the corridors.

She continued running with so much speed that surprised even her, but she didn't care as long as she was out. At that moment, she wished the air circulating her could blow away all of the fear she was feeling.

Anyone who saw her would have thought a maniac was after her but she didn't care.

"Bola wait!" He shouted again as he caught sight of her still retreating figure.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted still running.

He stopped to catch his breath and exhaled sharply before resuming his hot chase.

He could still hear faint booming from the speakers . The booming began to fade as they approached the wide space used as a car park filled to the brim with cars of different models, colours and sizes but his focus was on her. He quickened his pace and soon caught up with her.

Grabbing her arm, he yanked her towards him so that she could face him.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed.

"What are you doing ?" He now allowed the anger that burned through him during the run manifest. They were both heaving heavily now.

"What does it look like I'm doing ?" She asked still heaving. She shook all over and her eyes were all glassy. Tears were going to fall soon.

"I'm leaving. She breathed hard. "I quit!" She announced finally.

"But why, why now, why today of all days why quit now?"

"Daniel," she began, her voice shook, don't you see ? I'm not meant to be here." She continued. This place, she gesticulated with her hands, all this, is not for me."

"Says who ?" A slight frown found its way to his now softened features.


"You or them ?" His arms were folded across his chest as he looked to her tired and sweaty face for answers.

"Both! What difference does it make ?"

"I thought we were done with this. "

" I thought so too." She replied. The aura about them was more calm, their breathing, regulated, as she found herself wrapping both her arms around her self.

"Then what changed ?"

Bola said nothing. Her eyes now searched the floor for something interesting. She rubbed her arms with her palms though the air was cool.

"Look Bola, I know you still deal with fear and all, but, this isn't class, it isn't reharsals, this is a life time opportunity, don't waste it. Don't allow your fears or what people say stop you."

Bola shook her head slowly. "I can't". She whispered.

His anger resurfaced. "Bola what is wrong with you, why can't you just for once face your fears, why can't you just be bold?!" He shouted.

" 'Cause I can't!" she shouted back.

"Yes. You. Can! You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Why is even His word so hard for you to believe ? He heaved and watched eagerly for a response, an expression that will give him hope.

She said nothing for a while as she let her hands smoothen her hair for no reason before sighing and looking up back at him.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, shaking her head.

He felt his heart ache.

"I can't do this." she repeated and began to back out before turning her back on him and walking away.

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