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The sun came up; it was currently 8 'o'clock. If an outsider saw him in this situation, they would mistake him for an angel, but that was not a lie; even if Hoseok was a human, he was an angel in human form, a ball of sunshine who had lived through 20 autumns.

With a click of the door, there stands his foster dad. Well, Hoseok prefers to call him Hyung, his best Hyung, but in the eyes of the world, Min Yoongi was his foster dad.
his guardian.

Yoongi is 32, but if anyone sees Hoseok besides him, no one will believe they are in a dad-son relationship.

They would either think they were brothers, friends, or lovers.

Yoongi sits at the head of the bed, watching him silently with adoration in his eyes.

Ahh, no words are enough to compliment his beauty.

Low muttering came out of Hoseok's mouth Yoongi brings his ear toward Hoseok's mouth. "D-dad, I miss you." The words that came out of Hoseok's mouth broke Yoongi's heart.
Hoseok was still reeling from his father's death, no matter how hard he tried.

Sighing softly Yoongi stand up and opens the curtains the light of the sun's rays came and filled the whole room.


Yoongi turned around and saw Hoseok half awake and half asleep. Yoongi smiled.

"Morning mi amor."

"Morning, Yoonie." in his small voice, Hoseok said, eyes still closed.

"Wake up, it's time for breakfast," Yoongi said, only to receive a hmm from his sleepy angel.

"If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up." Yoongi chuckled at a still sleepy Hoseok.

"Hmm, I guess you forgot we planned to play basketball today."

Just by hearing the sentence, Hoseok shot up, eyes wide.

"O-of course, I remember that Hyung. How can I forget that?"

Yoongi smiled and went to Hoseok and combed his messy bed hairs with his fingers, Hoseok purrs like a little kitten, again wanting to sleep but Yoongi retrieve his hand back.

Hoseok shows his distress by the loss of warm hand contact "now go get ready I'll be waiting for you on the table."

Hoseok nodded his head like a baby, Yoongi chuckled and left the room to give Hoseok privacy so Hoseok can change and get ready.


Hoseok came wearing his usual cute outfit and sat beside Yoongi.

"You slept early last night and woke up late. Are you not feeling well?" Yoongi questioned, putting his hand on Hoseok's forehead, feeling his body temperature normal.

"Of course, I'm more than fine." He pouted and continued, "I have a second life in my mind. I build its events on my mood and I'd like to sleep to enter that world. Understand me, Hyung?" Hoseok said with a proud smile. Yoongi sighs in relief to know that everything is fine with Hoseok.

"Wow, my favourite muffins." Hoseok said in a cheerful voice. Yoongi chuckled, "Yeah, go ahead, eat as much as you want." Yoongi said, smiling toward Hoseok.

"Is your dance teacher a good teacher? Is she teaching you well? " Yoongi interrogated.

"Ehm, yeah, she is a nice teacher. She praises my moves. says that I can become a top-class dancer if I become an idol. " Hoseok chuckled, still munching on muffins.

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