22. Forgiveness.

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Darkness. It’s the first thing he sees as soon as he opens his eyes, accompanied by a ringing ache on the left side of his skull.

“He’s coming.” Someone whispers.

“He is?” another person goes, sounding awfully similar to the voice he last remembers hearing. Click-clacks of heels vibrates through the cool marble floor he lays on. A thick fragrance of French cigar flies towards him and dances under his nostrils. “Looks like its time.” Jaehuan reveals himself, untying the cloth covering Hoseok’s eyes. “Good puppy.” The older pats, “So well-behaved, you didn’t even struggle.” He continues to tease, boiling the restrained boy’s blood.

“hyung?!” someone else from a little-far calls, voice mellow with a brushed edge to it. Enters the room is another one. Hoseok stretches his neck in desperation to see who this person could be; he could easily blame his half-conscious self, but maybe he should have taken caution beforehand.

Stands in front of him is seokjin who looked at him with pity, behind him is Taehyung. “What on earth is all this??” he shouts, clearly angered but surprisingly unsurprised. Seokjin kneels on the ground immediately, assisting with the knot around Hoseok’s ankles, “I told you to just ask and bring him normally.”

"He wouldn't believe me anyway so I did what i never wanted to do..."

“Are you ok?” He asks immediately, caressing a hand under Hoseok’s jaw. “I’m so sorry abou–’’

“H-hyung?” Hoseok stares, double-blinking each time to confirm his own sight and sense of physical contact. He can't believe aside from taehyung even seokjin was involved in all this. Hoseok disappoints himself at the deficiency of all the feelings.

“You fainted again,” seokjin’s voice comes, “I figured you must be tired from all that. So, I made you some porridge.”

“I didn’t faint for that!” he snarls, turning his neck to the right to find Taehyung, ensuring his anger is apparent enough. “What is all this??”

Taehyung sighs with a steaming bowl of deliciousness on a tray, which he gripped by its ornamental handles, “Look. I know you're really freaking confused right now, and I’m truly sorry about all that,” he tries to explain, “I just–I thought you would agree to come along if asked so but at the last moment you–‘’

Hoseok flings his palms to his sides of the mattress, “You know damn well this isn’t about that.”

Taehyung slowly nods, gently placing the tray on a bedside table. "Taehyungah go outside let me clear his confusion." Jaehuan said to his younger brother. "I'm not leaving him with you." Taehyung simply answers.

"Do you not want head of our rival?" The oldest in the room said turning his sharp eyes on Hoseok. Taehyung left the room in anger meanwhile Jin stood at the door. "Did you not hear what i just said?!" Jaehuan asked to his fiancé. "Jae please be-" Jaehuan held Jin arm and throws him out of the door.

When the room was completely empty, “Alright,” he goes, the mattress creaking as he folds a knee to sit on.

Hoseok glares for a considerable moment, at the older’s hands, he had a fire tattoo that he has seen many times in his nightmares. He watched his hand rest on the sheets, “Where do you want me to start?”

“Why are you doing this?” Hoseok lets out, refusing to give up with anything, "firstly Yoongi killed my father now you have captured me like a damn bird did he ordered you to kill me?" He rambles as a drop of tear escapes, swallowing the lump on his throat, “Just–why?” he fails to hold back a choked sob.

Jaehuan laughed until he goes hestic  “Oh poor thing. Just like Yoongi you also think that he killed Wooseok."  A confession draws out of Jaehuan. Hoseok bolds up to shift a questioning, wet face at the other.

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