Come Home Tonight

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"Is there someone here for Perrie Edwards?" One of the doctors asked, and Jade's head snapped up.

"I am." She said, scrambling to her feet and walking over to him. Sam was right behind her.

"We have updates." He said, and Jade didn't like the look on his face, or his tone.

"I'm Jade, her girlfriend, and the baby's... it's a long story. Are they okay?" Jade asked, nervously rambling and fiddling with the zipper on her jacket. Sam came up behind the brunette and put her hand on her back.

"Jade, I'm sorry. We did everything we could, but we couldn't save the baby." He said, frowning at the look on Jade's face.
⚠️ Trigger Warning. Sorry guys. This chapter will probably be extremely emotional after this point. ⚠️
"W-what?" Jade choked out, her face twisting into one of pain. Tears washed her vision away instantly as her heart broke into a million pieces at the thought of their baby being gone. Gone before he or she even got a chance. It was as if she felt every single piece of her heart fall down and settle in her stomach, as the weight of it all seemingly brought her down to her knees. Sam tried her best to hold her best friend up, but it seemed like she was suddenly heavier than usual. "W-what about her?"

"Miss Edwards suffered a lot of internal bleeding and some head trauma. There was also some bleeding on her brain, which was the cause of her seizures. We had to do emergency surgery, but she's strong. She's okay. She's in the recovery room now." He replied.

Internal bleeding? Head trauma? Surgery?

Though Jade felt like she could throw up any second, she was beyond relieved to hear that Perrie was at least okay. She didn't know what she would've done had she lost both of them.

"Can I see her?" She asked, blinking away tears, voice barely above a whisper.

"Sure. There's only one person allowed in the recovery room at a time though." He said, looking at Sam apologetically.

Jade turned around and looked at Sam and Sam nodded, rubbing her back lightly.

"Go on. I'll be right out here." Sam said, and it was Jade's turn to nod.

She inhaled a long shaky breath, not prepared to see the blonde in a hospital bed, probably with wires and stuff everywhere. And who knew the mental state she had to be in after just losing their baby.

Jade followed the doctor through the halls, becoming increasingly sweaty and weak the closer they got to Perrie's room.

"Is s-she conscious?" Jade asked quietly.

"Yes. I'm afraid she hasn't said a word though." He frowned. "We just wanted to see if her speech was okay after the seizures, but she refused to even open her mouth. Maybe you could get her to speak."

Jade didn't respond, she just continued following the doctor. Her chest burned and tears kept dripping down her face, the more the reality of the situation hit her. She could barely speak herself, how was she supposed to get Perrie to?

"She's right in here." The doctor said softly, pointing to the closed door with the words 'Edwards, P.' written above the room number.

Jade felt like screaming, crying, fighting, and running away, all at the same time. The only thing keeping her from running away to cry in a corner, was the fact that Perrie needed her.

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