The Secrets We Keep

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"Jade. It's been a long time." The last voice the brunette wanted to hear, rang in her ears as the black trash bag was removed from her head.

"I thought that's how we wanted it to be." Jade replied, trying to catch her breath. "We stay out of each other's way, right?"

"I typically like it that way, but as of late, I've been needing to talk to you." He said.

"Talk to me about what?" Jade asked. "You couldn't have just called?"

"Now you know I don't use phones." He replied.

"Right. What's so important that you had me brought here? What do we need to talk about?" Jade asked, growing impatient.

"Your attitude, for one. You may be the toughest in the streets, but don't forget yourself." He warned, pointing a finger in Jade's face.

Jade sighed.

"Recently I've noticed a lot of changes in my business, in regards to my money." He continued.

"What about it?" Jade asked.

"It's short." He snapped.

"That's bullshit." Jade retorted. "Nobody is shorting you."

"And how would you know that? When's the last time you've been out there?" He asked, and Jade swallowed.

She didn't know he knew about that, but she tried to play it cool.

"I trust my guys. I don't need to be out there like that anymore." She replied.

"And did you make that decision all by yourself? Look, I know you know that I know everything that goes on beyond these walls." He raised his brow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jade asked, getting nervous.

"That I know you're playing house, and I've allowed it. I'll continue to allow it, so long as it doesn't interfere with my money. Can you see where I'm going with this?" He asked.

"There is no shortage of money. My guys are honest, and you already know I am. Maybe your product is short." Jade said, and before she could even register it, there was a strong hand around her throat, pressing on her windpipe.

"As I said, don't forget yourself, little girl. I RUN THIS!" He yelled letting go of Jade's throat.

Jade coughed and looked up at him.

"Your guy Roman... I have reason to believe he's doing his own thing on the side, and shaving off my money for it. Fix it." He growled.

Jade shook her head. "You've got the wrong crew. My guys are honest and loyal."

"You don't know your guys as well as you think you do, Jade. He's stealing from me! Your job is to fucking handle it, before I have someone to handle you!" He pointed.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Jade said, trying not to upset him more.

"Don't fail me, Jade. I'd hate for your kid to grow up without a parent." He said nonchalantly.

Jade swallowed again, feeling her throat suddenly go dry. Fear washed over her and nearly paralyzed her.


"How do I know? As I said, I know everything that happens out there. Just like with your boy Roman, The Secrets We Keep always end up hurting us in the end. I won't harm your family, but I'll rip them from the inside out by removing you. I hope that's understood." He said.

"It is." Jade muttered. "I'll handle it."

"You better! Or I'll be looking for your replacement! I know someone who's eager to join this lifestyle." When he smirked, Jade got that sick to her stomach feeling.

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