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real life

a longer chapter today !!! i hope you guys enjoy reading it...

also thank you guys so so so much for 2k reads !!! ilysm sm sm <33


As August's car rolled past the small, metal gates to the Beverly Hills home, she started feeling quite underdressed.

She told herself it was just Niko's weaselly little voice worming its way into her thoughts and poisoning them, but it might have started as soon as she'd driven down the driveway and spotted all of the very well trimmed bushes and the pretty flowers all around. But it also might have had something to do with the black SUV she spotted parked a few meters down the road, right outside the house that was apparently Taylor's.

It didn't look too... celebrity like. In fact, it looked like a regular home. Maybe more on the large side, considering it was smack in the middle of Beverly Hills. Though it was still extravagant, It looked relatively modest, especially for a celebrity of her caliber.

There were just two cars parked in the driveway in front of the home, a black Toyota and a white Mercedes Wagon with tinted windows, both of which looked like they hadn't been driven in quite a while.

So, Taylor really wasn't joking about not going out much, just like August. It made sense. It probably felt like a breath of fresh air, not having to face the tabloids and people every day.

August stood in front of the large wooden doors and looked at the bell for a good few seconds, debating whether she should ring it or not. Whether she should have been there in the first place or not.

Was this even the right place? None of it screamed "a famous singer lives here!" More like, a stay at home cat-mom whose art business was doing a lot better than anticipated.

Well... That sounded about right.

Smiling to herself and letting out a soft chuckle, August finally rang the doorbell and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her pants as she waited for someone to open the door.

She heard a cat meow, then another, then a muffled "shit" and some crashing before the door finally flung open.

Taylor did not stay in the foyer to greet her.

In fact, the taller woman ran back inside, her socks sliding across the tiles.

August stood there awkwardly for a moment until the smell of baked goods finally hit her. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, taking a tentative step into the house.

Two cats came over to her and stopped right in front of her, watching her with curious eyes.

"Uhm," she started, clearing her throat, stuck in a staring contest with the larger cat with bright blue eyes. "I think your cats are waiting for me to give them some secret password or something..."

"What?" August heard some more clattering and then what sounded like the over door closing. Two seconds later, Taylor appeared again in her foyer, looking flustered. She glanced down at the two cats and then looked up to smile sheepishly at August. "That's just Benji, don't worry about him," Taylor laughed softly.

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