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TikTok Live

Hey, everyone! How are you? Gosh, it's been really long, hasn't it? I haven't posted in ages

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Hey, everyone! How are you? Gosh, it's been really long, hasn't it? I haven't posted in ages... to be honest, I just kind of forgot... Uhm, it's been pretty hectic lately! I'm sure some of you have noticed.

I don't know if you can tell but I'm not in my bedroom back in L.A. anymore. I'm back in New York! Aaa! If you've been following me for the past year, you'd know that I used to live here, in Manhattan, but then I moved back home to L.A. and now I'm here again!

"Are you rooming with Niko again?" Oh! You're one of the OGs! Awesome! And no, I'm not staying with Niko, but he's here, actually! Nikolai! Say hi!

[Niko appears on screen and grins, waving his hand in the air]

"Is he single?" Of course, he is.

Niko: "Hey!"

He took offence to that, but it's true! Anyway. So, I'm at a new place right now. Hold on, I'll show you guys!

[August gets up from the couch and grins at the camera as she runs to the window across the living room. She flips the camera so the viewers could see New York a few stories below.]

It's pretty fucking awesome, isn't it? Oh, shit, am I gonna get banned for swearing? Whatever, hahahaha anyway. So, yeah this is where I'm staying— oh, excuse me, Benji!

[August stepped over Benjamin who had thrown himself between her legs and rolled on his back.]

This place is overrun with pets. The ratio is 4 to 2, three of which are absolutely chaotic. Phoebe included. So! Yeah. If you guys have any questions, ask them. I'll try to answer as many of them as possible.

"Is that a grammy behind me?"

[August turned around and saw the shelf in the living room that had a grammy between a few books and she grimaced, bringing the camera closer to her face]

Chill guys, my first album isn't even out yet! Which reminds me... I have been working on a lot of new music. Actually, I work with new music every day but I think I have material worthy enough of being out. Officially. Do you wanna hear some of it?

I'm literally out here leaking some of my own music but y'all wanna hear me play some covers? Cardigan? Fine. I guess I could... Let me just, hold on. Niko, entertain them for a moment.

[August handed Niko the phone and went to run to the other room to grab her acoustic guitar. When she came back, she found Niko making funny faces at the camera and she rolled her eyes at him.]

I bet the view count just went down.

Niko: Actually, it went up!

What? That's ridiculous. Here...

[August grabbed her phone back and rested it against the table before sitting back down on the sofa. Phoebe immediately came to sit next to her while Olivia curled up behind her, on the pillow.]

"when did you get a cat?"

"Is that a Scottish Fold?"


[August ignored them]

Okay, here's cardigan. I'm not gonna play it on the piano. What's the point of covering a song note for note, am I right? Besides, don't tell Taylor Swift, but I think my version's definitely better.

Niko: No, it's not!

Fuck off, Niko!

[August played the song while people in the comments complimented her skills. She played a bunch of songs, all the while replying to some more questions until the front door opened.]

Taylor: Hey! I'm home!

August: Hey, we're in here!

Taylor: We?

Niko: Hey!

Taylor: Niko! Oh— are you recording?

August: It's live actually.

[August watched as Taylor made a long turn to sit on the other sofa next to Niko to avoid getting caught in the camera. She smiled at Taylor and turned back to the Live as fans started asking who was that and wondering if it was Taylor or not, having recognised her voice.]

August: If you're wondering, that's my roommate, Betty. Poor thing. Her boyfriend just left. I had to move here to be there for her, actually. Is his name James? No! This is not Folklore, guys. This is my real life!

[Taylor looked up at August and rolled her eyes.]

Taylor: you're an idiot, you know that?

August: Yeah, I get that a lot. Anyway, here's a new song. No— I am not gonna play more Taylor Swift songs!

Niko: Play some Taylor songs!

Taylor: Yeah, August! Betty wants you to play some more Taylor songs!

August: Ugh, you guys are the worst! I'm gonna play an August original. This one's called Let's Fall In Love For the Night!

Taylor: Wait, when did you write this?

August: Last night! Anyway, here we go...

[As August started singing the lyrics, messing up a few times as she had only written it the previous night, Taylor and Niko started hyping her up, clapping and cheering her on. August eventually burst out laughing especially when she read comments like "Get you friends who hype you up like Niko and Betty!" The funniest bit really was everyone going along with the 'Betty' thing even though she was pretty sure they all knew Betty was Taylor.]

August, laughing: Anyway, that's it guys. Thanks for tuning in. Keep your eyes peeled for news some time soon. And stay safe! Bye!


not august's dumb ass exposing them

chile anyway

till forever falls apart | Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now