Chapter 8 - Misunderstandings

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The bullet hole was small, although it made a clean hole straight through the wall of the restaurant.

Literally centimeters away from where I was standing.

That could've been me.

"N...Natsu?" I looked to him, my voice wavering. "Take me home. Please"

He nodded and I turned to glare at Samuel. "Lucy-Chan ple--"

"Cut the act, Samuel. You knew about this, didn't you?" Natsu growled at him, sizing him up, preparing to take him on.

"No, no, I swear I didn't the last thing I want is Lucy to be hurt." He held out his hands desperately, his green eyes now soft and pleading. For once in a long time, he actually looked like normal.

He actually looked human.

But that didn't stop me from spinning on my heel and walking straight out of the restaurant, past the gawking witnesses, with Natsu tagging along, right by my side.

And despite what had just happened, with him I felt safe.


I stirred my drink, sitting at the table with Levy across from me.

It had been two days since the incident, and no one had seen or heard from Samuel.

"Was I too harsh on him? I know after all he's done but...I just don't know anymore..." I sighed, frustrated.

She looked up to me from her book, A Beginner's Guide To Magical Bullets, and gave me a small, wistful smile. "It'll be okay, Lu-Chan. I promise. I'm going to find whoever did that to you and beat them senseless!" She imitated beating someone up, and I couldn't help but smile.

Although a small part of me knew it wasn't going to be alright. I had this sinking feeling.

Suddenly Natsu stormed into the guild, raging.

"N-Natsu?" I said, standing up in surprise. "Wha--"

"He's gone."


"The bastard is gone."


(Samuel's P.O.V.)

My mission had failed.

My mission to take back Lucy, my beloved friend, had failed. Not because I had given up. No, because I couldn't protect her. In a sense, I failed.

And I hated myself for it.


I was walking back from the restaurant to a large home I had rented out. The moon was out, silver beams reflected off Magnolia, so it was gorgeous. I really do appreciate beauty, and, it was a chance to walk and think.


It was the voice.

I turned around, expecting to see nothing. But I saw someone, someone in a dark hoodie.

They removed the hoodie. It wasn't Mr. Heartfilia. She took off a strap from her chin that must've been her voice changer.

"Hello...Mrs. Heartfilia."

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