New Bosses

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I was in the room with Turner, still trying to wake him up. "Turner? Turner!" I yelled. Then the door opened. "Hello Sam" a voice said. "Hello Turner" another said. I backed up and I held Turner. "You did this to me, to him!" I yelled. "Relax, I am your mentor for the Elemental Battles. My name is Asioj" he said to me. "And I am Turner's mentor, Feria" she said. I nodded. "You can't mentor him if he still unconscious!" I yelled. "Oh, not a problem" Feria said and midnight blue sparkles appeared Turner. Then he woke up. I hugged him. He hugged me back. "What's wrong? And who are they?" He asked pointing at Asioj and Feria. "I am your mentor, Feria. And this is Sam's mentor, Asioj" Feria said. "Oh, ok" Turner said. "You're going to have to come with me, Sam. Feria will stay with Turner in his room" Asioj said. I nodded. Asioj was bringing me out the door. I put my hand out for Turner, and he looked back at me.

"Well then! Let's get down to business, shall we?" Feria said and smirked. I raised an eyebrow. "You're going to be in a lot of trouble..." She said, then came near me. "Um... What are you doing...?" I asked her. She had a knife in her hand. I backed up. She threw it at me, but I sped away, just in time. "Hm... First task complete" she said. I sighed in relief. So it was just a task. She wasn't a crazy lady who wanted to kill me.

I woke up, to see a older girl standing by me. "Ah, you're awake" she said. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Seria, and I am your mentor for the Elemental Battles" she said. "Oh, I'm Ash" I introduced myself. She helped me up. "What happened to Camille?" I asked. "The girl in purple? She went to train with her Elemental Boss" Seria said. I nodded. She turned into ash. "Huh?!" I yelled. Then she reformed herself. "Oh my god, you scared me" I said. "My power is ash" she said. "Like my name" I said.

Asioj is training me very well. So far, I didn't get any pain, or pass out. "You are doing well" he said. Then he disappeared. I knew he came up behind me, because I jumped forward and kicked him from behind. "Very good" he said. "Later on, I will come back. I am here to train you, and to check on you. So tell me if you feel any pain. I will be able to tell if you pass out, and I will bring a friend of yours" he said and left. Cool. I just relaxed on my bed, and went to sleep.

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