just answer.

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"You're the girl that Joel dragged around!"

Val's words pierced right through Ellie's chest. Does she know about Joel? Maybe, at least she knows more than anyone of them. Right? How come that Ellie didn't recognize her?

"Y-Yeah, that's me, why?" Ellie stuttered. 
"Do you know what happened to him?" Val asked. You could see the surprised look on Ellie's face. "How would I? Thought you might give me some answers!" Ellie said self-confident, not letting the disappointment show through.
"I don't have any answers, I have the same questions even, I guess," Val answered.
Ellie shook her head. "I thought you could enlighten all of us... neither of us can tell you anything. We've been searching for him for a long time already. You were the last person he was with, as far as I know. Could you at least tell me how the two of you got separated? And by the way - why do you know about me, while I don't have the slightest clue who you are?"

Val took a deep breath. "To your last question, you might've recognized me if I'd still have long reddish hair. I cut them off," she explained while stroking her shaved head. "Also, I lost some weight and got some muscles along the way." 
Ellie was thinking. And then it hit her. "Oh, you're Valerie! We didn't call you by your nickname once, that is what confused me I guess, plus your appearance," she laughed it off while she saw Val nodding.
"On the first question, it's not a nice story. We were running away from some runners when Joel overlooked a trap door and fell. He was unconscious and didn't answer when I yelled for him. Due to the situation, I had to leave him down there in a hurry. When I came back two days later when it was safer, there was no sign of him whatsoever. So at least I know he didn't die down there. The blood trail I followed also stopped at some point. I'm sorry, Ellie, I don't know where he is nor what happened to him after that."

Silence filled the room. And a disappointed look on both of the girls' faces.
Tommy then entered the medic room. 

"Hey, you two. Is everything okay? Just wanted to check on you, only to see those disappointed faces," he opened the conversation. Ellie shook her head. "No, I thought Val has some answers because she recognized me and mentioned Joel, but nothing. everything leads to a fucking dead end."

Ellie stormed out of the room to get some time for herself. "I miss you, where the fuck are you, Joel..." She sat there in silence and sadness until she heard someone coming from behind. It was Dina. She didn't wanna interrupt her moment of silence, just wanted to spend some comfort. She held Ellie in her arms and let her cry. Cry out of frustration, cry out of hurt.

[A/N:] This story will get slow updates in the future. Thanks for sticking with me, I absolutely love every bit of support!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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