just think.

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A/N: Hey folks, this story continues! Please keep the comment section spoiler free. I'll keep this story similar to my Amberprice story with the same original characters but differ the storyline very much. I also changed some chapters a bit so you might wanna re-read before you continue. The A/N at the end of chapter 2 might be interesting ;) Enjoy this new chapter full of fluff!
Update schedule: every day or at least once a week

Ellie woke up in the middle of the night, not even remembering why and when she had fallen asleep. Dina wasn't here anymore, either. She must have gone when Ellie fell asleep on her couch. The girl with the freckles got up, scretching her body to shake away the pain she had from laying in a uncomfortable position. Crazy, that they've finally kissed. But Ellie doesn't keep her high up for long, they're not dating and she bets they won't. It was a kiss that happened through a mood. She could still sink into the ground after admitting to Dina that she had a crush on her for a long time.
Not knowing what to do, Ellie decided to go to bed and wanted to continue to sleep since it was 3 am.

She hesitated as she saw a small figure stumbling around in her bedroom. She grabbed her colt ready to shoot whoever that invader was. She couldn't see much as she was still a bit drowsy.

"Put the gun down, it's just me. I didn't wanna wake you up so I laid down in your bed for a bit. Just woke up and got ready to go home." Ellie took the gun fown immediately. "But nice to know you'd shoot even if you're drowsy and not a heavy sleeper, it's quite safe around you I'd say," Dina added.
"My finger is always on the trigger, even if it's just in my mind. But you have luck today, I guess. How was your sleep?", Ellie smiled at her.
"You had your fingers on me some hours ago if I remember correctly," Dina gave her a small wink, "but I've slept horrible. Still too much on my mind even though your bed is comfy." Ellie flicked her fingers against Dinas' forehead. "That actually hurt, what was that for?" Dina asked, scratching her forehead. "For flirting with me, get used to it," Ellie answered and stuck her tongue out at her. "I'll keep that in mind. Though, I should really leave."
Ellie was quick to answer. "In the middle of the night, really? Come on, let's lay down together for some sleep." Dina hesitated for a bit but then nodded, knowing she'd enjoy the comfort in having Ellie near her.

Ellie rested her head in Dina's shoulder. Dina gave her forehead a small peck before both of them drifted away to sleep again.

It was Ellie who woke up first, enjoying the comfort for a bit before twitching around, enough for Dina to wake up, too. They stared into each others eyes and gave each other a small kiss despite the morning breath.

They hadn't much time to wake up properly as a bang could be heard on Ellie's door. Ellie got up and opened the door. It was Maria.
"Good morning, sorry to bother but you have to go on patrol today." Ellie sighed. "Okay, who'll come with me?" - "I actually wanted you to go with Jesse but he's hungover and out for the day. Tommy will come with you. If you see Dina, tell her I have to talk to her."
Ellie coughed at the last bit and Dina could be seen behind her in no time.
"I'm here, what's that to talk about?" Dina asked Maria. " I think Ellie doesn't need to hear that. It's about Jesse." Ellie almost choked on her saliva but Dina was quick to throw her elbow in Ellie's ribcage, Maria didn't notice anything.
"I think it's okay, we can talk about it here and now. I broke up with him. I'm sick of him, making up all those stupid things just to get angry about it and to drown his brain in alcohol." Maria slightly nodded. "I just wanted to know if you two broke up or not, Jesse seemed a bit off this morning but now I know. Alright, I'm gonna leave, Tommy is waiting at the horse stable already. Keep safe, Ellie." Ellie nodded in agreement.

Dina walked to her home, leaving Ellie alone to get ready.
Ellie didn't take too long because she didn't want to let Tommy wait too long for her. She was greeted with the bear hug he'd normally give her, especially since Joel was away.
"Alright, Maria told us to go on patrol in area C so we have a little bit of a ride ahead of us." Ellie nodded.

And up they go.

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