just breathe.

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Ellie sat on her bed, playing on her guitar. Joel taught her how to play it. He vanished, though. Nobody knows where he is, everything Ellie knows is just that it's important for him. Just let him be alive.

She sighed at the thought of Joel. He became something like her dad on their adventure. He protected her from death, not once and not twice. Several times. They had a rough start with Ellie just being a task from Tess that has to be delivered. But they've bonded.

That was 5 years ago.  The life came back into the cities after a while. People could live again, start a new life. Thanks to the government, a life without being scared. Police officers were professionally trained how to kill clickers. They're even able to keep them in canalizations. The citizens could feel save and they did.

Ellie lived on her own in a small apartment. As nearly everyone at her age, she doesn't give a shit about going to school. You could never catch up anyway and with the actual given situation, the government lets education more or less slip. Security and reconstruction is the main point. 

Sometimes, Ellie wakes up during the night, haunted by nightmares. She sleeps as less as she can, sometimes the sleep deprivation takes over her and lets her take a peaceful sleep. She knows it isn't healthy but she doesn't exactly give a shit.

Sometimes in her dreams, she sees Joel actually die or she actually isn't immune and transforms into one of the ugly beasts. Or she sees Riley die, again. The last thing is always the ugliest dreams of them all because it's the only dream that already has happened.

She misses her. Ellie thinks a lot about how life would be if Riley would still be alive. Not that she's just missing the friendship but also being close to someone. It isn't that big of a deal for Ellie to like girls, it never was. She can't remember if she told anyone but Riley was the first girl she felt affection for.  And the only one, yet. But her friend Jesse has a beautiful girlfriend, yet, they're fighting a lot. Ellie isn't that type of girl to pinch somebody's girlfriend but she wouldn't care if they'd break up soon. Luckily, she knows that his girlfriend is bisexual. Ellie hates to hit on straight girls, knowing she'll never have a chance. Why don't people have a sign over their head which tells you about their sexual orientation?

Thinking of all of that, she remembered that she is supposed to meet Jesse in a few.
"Can't wait to hear him balling his heart out in front of me again as if I'd give a fuck about their relationship", you could Ellie mumble as she left her apartment.

A/N (rewritten): Hello folks, this story is quite different to the amberprice story. This A/N said originally that I won't add smut, but I'll reconsider. Enjoy either way!

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