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"What are we doing today" Ben says jumping on my bed.

"I planning on sleeping but I guess I'll have to put that on hold" I yawn while stretching my stiff shoulders

"Good. Now let's do something fun"

"If you haven't noticed I'm not a morning person" I point out trying to detangle my messing hair

It was seven in the morning when I woke up to a frog too close to my face,carried by an already dress Ben staring at me with an innocent smile. Turns out my house guest was experimenting to see if I would wake up to a true loves kiss and even though he kissing me instead was optional, he decided a frog was the best possible solution. And just like any other sane girl, I screamed my heart out which probably beat the blue birds in their singing competition, which might explain why they flew away.

"And if you haven't I'm  the guest of this house and it's your duty to entertain me" he said getting comfortable on my bed and pushing me in the process

"Excuse me" I sneered, do I look like some dancing monkey to him

"You've been excused, your breath stinks" he says closing his eyes with a smirk on his face

I jump off the bed and into the bathroom just like a cartoon character. I quickly brush my teeth and take my bath. I come out wrapped in my pink fluffy towel only to find Ben going through my underwear drawer.

"What the hell dude" I scream at him as he picks up my spongebob squarepants panties as embarrassing as it sounds, it also comes with a matching Patrick starfish bra.

"Seriously" he says holding it up

"Where are your manners. You don't just go through peoples stuff especially a woman's when she's in the shower" I scold him

"A woman is something I wouldn't describe you with" he says rubbing his chin"how about a child" he says like he has just discovered the greatest thin. Glaring at him, I snatch my undies from and shoo him out of my room. Pest

And I thought Blake was one of a kind. Guess I was wrong

Huffing, I put on my embar... stylish underwear, wore a brown crop top with a faded blue sweatpants and tied my hair in a messy bun. Now I look like Squidward, cue squidward laugh.





"You kicked me out for this" Ben states staring at my outfit

"It's cute I know" I say striking a pose. Grabbing a cereal from the cabinet, I pour some milk in my bowl as I make my cereal.

"Morning pumpkin"

"Morning dad" Ben, Blake and I say at the same time. Where did Blake come from

"What the hell"

"Stop it"

"Shut up" we yell in frustration

"Okaaay..... so this is weird" mum comes in smiling awkwardly. She goes to give dad a peck but he turns his head stealing a kiss instead. What turned out to be innocent quickly turned into a hot makeout session. This is my que to intervene


"Mr and Mrs Micheals, there is a CHILD in your presence have some decency " Ben says in a dramatic voice. Thankfully they stopped before they tore at each others clothes

"Sorry pumpkin" my dad apologises while mum sends a small smile in my direction.

"What makes you think I'm the child here" I glare at them. Ben just laughs


"Well you are the baby of the family" Nlake says matter-of-fact eating his toast

"Yes but mentally I'm older" I smirk waiting for his reaction

"That's because you my sister was dropped as a child" he says with bread in his mouth "we're sorry" he says sadly




Sticking my tongue out I dragged Ben my the collar to meet up with Ashton

"Since when did my house become a hangout " Ashton greets us tiredly

"Goodmorning to you too " I smile

Ben ruffles his already messy hair and enters like he owns the place. He slumps on the couch and grabs his phone showing something at Gabe making him laugh.

"Yes by all means make yourself at home" Ashton says dryly. Even though I'm the one dressed up like squidward,  Ashton matches his mood perfectly. I chuckle at my thoughts turning my head to Gabe who keeps staring at me

"What?" I asked confused

"Can you take off your clothes?" He asked with a straight face


"Dude!" Ashton groans "It's too early for this"

"But I want to see her spongebob underwear" he pouts

That idiot. I through my shoe at Ben's face but he catches it in mid air


"Did you have to tell him"

"I didn't" what?then how?

"Yeah. He sent a pic instead" Gabe says causing Ben and him to laugh.


"I'm going to change then we can head out" Ashton announces

"Where are we going today" Felicity asks

"We can head out to the lake" I say

"We can go check out the haunted house. It's not too far from here"
Gabe says

"Yeah let's do that"

"Then you can count me out" I say sending a quick picture of my outfit to Melanie on snapchat #squidward. She sends a snap of her in a mermaid costume with a smile too wide I'm sure he cheeks are hurting and a thumbs up#ihatemyjob. I laugh at the picture and turn off my phone.

"Why are you so boring" Ben says with a pout

"Hey, I was wondering the say thing" Gabe smiles

"Great minds think alike" the say together.  I'm starting to get worried about their friendship. They high-five each other and laugh. If not for the fact that they're straight, I would totally ship them. It seems for the past few days they've been getting close. I can tell because half of the time we spend in Ashton's house, those two are either arguing about something or pulling pranks on Felicity

"I'm still not going"

"Why not?" Gabe whines

"And if you're scared you can hold my hand" Ben says in mockery

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to go" I huff

"Fine. You can stay here, while we have the time of our lives" Gabe says happily. Just then Ashton descends the flight of stairs in a bumblebee shirt and Adidas pants

"So what are the plans" he asks taking a seat

"We're going to the haunted house" Ben says excitedly

"Cool" Felicity says getting comfortable on the couch

"It is, isn't it" Ben says staring down at me

"Still not going" I clarify

"Not our problem" he says getting up" let's go gang" he says helping Gabe up

"Why not" Ashton ask directing his attention on me


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