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Incase you have been wondering I'm currently hitting my alarm clock with a hammer.

Don't worry it's a rubber hammer that explains why I'm groaning in frustration.

It would be so much better if my mum hadn't confiscated my actual hammer

All this hammer does is make squeaky sounds......soo annoying

Unlike other decent alarm clocks which are easy to break and do not make any blaring noise


Stupid alarm clock and I thought this was supposed to wake me up not puncture my ear dru-

I was interrupted with my brother barging into my room still in his sleeping state

Well good morning to you too brother

"Would you turn that dumb thing off!" my brother yelled in annoyance

Narrowing my eyes at him "What did you think I was doing all this time" I hit it again to prove my point

"Lying on your bed massaging your alarm with a toy" he stated matter of fact

"Well would you be a darling and turn it off sweet brother" I asked innocently

"It's literally right next to you" he glared

"Okay" I moved a little closer to my drawer making and pulled out my head phones

"What?" I asked looking at him

He only glared

"You are so impossible" he mumbled leaving my door wide open

Don't worry it's not like my door was already opened


Did he really think I'll waste my precious energy just to turn off my alarm


That was all I needed to get my lazy ass moving to turn it off. I forgot Liz was still here. I can't believe Blake, he didn't have to go tell Liz!!

I'm just glad she yelled at me this time and not come here

I shivered at the thought before making my way to the washroom

'My breath stinks' I yawned


After my usual morning routine, I rushed down stairs with my nose in the air following the smell of waffles. Mum was making the waffles while dad and Blake were busy watching a sports show.

I grabbed a plate and begun to serve myself. Mum makes the best waffles, I grin at the thought while stuffing my face. I didn't realize how hungry I was till now, guess I should have eaten enough last night, but the Angel's face kept reappearing in my mind making lose my appetite.

I still can't believe I did that and more importantly why were my curtains open.

How was I supposed to know he lived right next door?


When he said we were going to be neighbours I didn't think we would be this close...like window to window close


He could literally just jump right in my room whenever he felt like it. What of he came at the wrong time...like when I'm-

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