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I can't write fanfics well- But I'm willing to try for my fav ship cos yes :D.

Lemon will pop out in some parts cos I'm like that :)
Angst will be expected cos well- :/
Fluff is probably in all I suppose lol

This page is being typed/written cos I'm bored so it's messy uwu

Chapters published here are the final drafts. You should see the first draft- Pfft- It sux so bad- XDDDD
Oh and, I actually write them in a notebook with my hand and a black pen cos that's how I write- And uh, I don't let  a n y o n e  touch the notebook🤺🤺🤺 So janellechew3 /  , the stories are in here. Tell uhm, her that it's here Ig- 🤺🤺

My desired number of words per chapter is: 1000+ (Bruh, I accidentally an extra 0: 10 000+ :D -  yea no)

I update chapters (cos that's how it works) even when it's not completed- so if you read early, don't be confused-
If you read late, don't be confused by any comments(mostly mine- :)) )-

Uh...Every chapter has a GYSN fanart(not by me obvs Owo) cos I. Need. A. Reason. To. Search. Them. Up.  :D

Uh this page might be updated Ig? IDK lol

Thanks for wasting like... what? 5 mins of your life reading this??? 🤺🤺🤺

(I spent more than 5 mins typing this btw so I thank me more-  :D)

Yeah bye lol. If you want to continue, don't blame me if you hate it. 🤺🤺🤺🤺
Haters gonna hate. 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺

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