Chapter 3

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"Hey Brett."

"Your back, finally. Ready to go get ice cream now?" Brett questions when I slide into the passenger seat.

"Yes please. I am craving something sweet even more now." Brett is already on the road heading to the ice cream parlor.

"You know you need to talk to someone about this."

"Brett, I'm trying not to have to bring up Theo around the pack. Some are okay with him being mentioned, but others-"

"You mean Stiles and Malia? I've heard about the things they've said about him." Brett pulls up in front of the ice cream parlor. He parks the car, and pulls the key out of the ignition.

"They have their rights to say those things. Theo did inexcusable things to them. It's just the only time they say those things, is around me, and when I'm trying to talk about how I'm missing him. Is it wrong that I'm missing the man who hurt the people I care about?" I'm starting to tremble.

"No, you are allowed to mourn Jup. The pack has no right to say those things to you. They still need to think about that he mattered a lot to you. If it was someone else we both know no one would be talking shit to them. They're celebrating over another win, your mourning a lover." Brett unbuckles his seat belt, as well as I.

"Brett can we please just talk about something else, like you and Nova. You better have photos of him or I will stalk his Instagram. I will find it one way or another."

"Jesus alright. But if you don't talk about this to someone. I will for you, and don't even try to argue with me. This is killing you, and I don't know how I'm the only one who is saying anything about it. Your chemo-signals are obvious with the scent of grief and sadness. You'd except a pack of were creatures to point something out, but no, they're just dumbasses. I swear."

"I'm not disagreeing, they're all dumbasses, but I still love them. They're my pack, my family, my everything."

"You know what we are done talking about them. This is about us getting ice cream. Come on!" Brett gets out and walks over to the side of my door, and opens it. "Come on, princess."

"What a gentleman. Is this how you're going to treat Nova, when you take him out?" I ask once we walk into the parlor.

"Well that is if he is into me-"

"Anyone who can see, has to be into you, you're hot and cute. If he doesn't, the only reason is because he is simply blind."

"Well I lost you didn't I?" Brett asks, obviously as a joke, but I still went quiet.

"You lost me because we couldn't do us, anymore. The reason we broke up is because it got harder. We always argued over the littlest things. It wasn't love anymore. We both connected with other people anyway. You with that guy at the Sinema. Me with...Theo."

"The guy might've been Nova...that's how we meet."


" what ice cream do you want?"

"Oh you so aren't doing that! But I would like a rocky road please."

"Anything for you, princess." He walks away to the front, while I go find a booth.

Brett made the nickname up before we started dating, he used it during and after our relationship. I guess it just stuck.

Brett comes back over after awhile with both of our ice creams.

"Here you go." Brett hands me mine, and sits opposite to me.

"Thanks. Alright show me this Nova boy." I start having my ice cream.

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