Sketchbook assignment 2

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I forgot to do it this week so I was rushing to get it done before the end of the day.

I forgot to do it this week so I was rushing to get it done before the end of the day

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I decided to imagine what Joey would look like without makeup.

I decided to imagine what Joey would look like without makeup

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Digital sketch first. I decided he's just woken up.

And now a sketch on paper.

(Wattpad decided to be a dick and removed all the photos while I took a few seconds (literally 10 seconds) to get another. I don't have the photo of the sketch anymore.)

I had to wait till Art class to get the color, as I don't carry any on me.

I was almost done, just needed to finish lining it. But time was up and she said for me to take it home and finish it.

 But time was up and she said for me to take it home and finish it

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Which I did. She even let me take the colored pencils with me.

Here's the final result:

Here's the final result:

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