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(Y/N)-your name
(L/N)-your last name
(H/C)-your hair color
(E/C)-your eye color
(F/C)-your favorite color
Hi! I really hope you enjoy this!! Byeee!!
You rethought your past over and over again while you sat in the passenger seat of a black car. You looked out the window. It was raining. 'Great. Just perfect. It makes the day even more depressing.' You thought to yourself as the rain drops kept on coming harder on the window.

It was your mother and father's funeral. They had been on their honeymoon in Hawaii. On the plane trip back, the plane's engine collapsed; causing the whole vehicle to crash in the ocean.

That was last week, and you nearly fainted at the news. Not a day went by when you didn't miss your mother's singing or your father's story telling.

You had stayed with your uncle for a while, but he couldn't afford another person to feed. He explained that his good friend, Cass, would take care of you.

The car started slowing near the parking lot and finally stopped. You slowly stepped out of the car after it was opened by your uncle.

You were wearing a semi-short black dress. You despised dresses, but you didn't care today. Your uncle frowned and pulled you into a hug.

"I'll drop you off at Cass's after the service, okay?" He said softly.

You didn't respond. You were too overwhelmed. He pulled away slowly and started walking toward the seats lined up neatly on the grass.

You hesitantly followed and your bangs covered your (E/C) eyes. A women that looked around her forties walked up to you.

"You must be (Y/N)." She put on a sad smile.
You looked up at her, your eyes puffy from crying earlier.

"I'm Cass.." She had short brown hair and large eyes. She was wearing all black.

You sighed.

A young boy appeared from behind her. He was looking down. He hated funerals but his aunt had dragged him there. He had jet black hair and had a gap between his front teeth.

You shyly looked up at him, and then quickly looked back down.

Cass walked the boy and you to the seats. You felt nauseous. Your stomach churned. You jumped slightly when you felt warmth touch your shoulder. It was the boy. You hardly knew him, yet he comforted you anyway.

You turned to see the caskets being slowly lowered in. Your eyes started watering and you broke out into tears.

The service was over and you stood next to your uncle and Cass. The boy kept giving you sad glances. Your uncle gave you a last hug before leaving. Cass led you to her grayish blue Nissan and opened the door for you. The boy sat in the passenger seat and Cass drove you to your new home.

"We're here!" She said happily and unlocked the café. Hiro walked in and led you to his room. You begrudgingly followed him up the stairs.

He slid the visor separating Tadashi's side from his.

"This is your side." He pointed to the neatly made bed and the color coordinated bookshelf.

"Thanks.." You muttered and set your suitcase next to the bed.

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