Child feeding

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You had kept to yourself for at least a week. Hardly eating and never going outside. Hiro didn't bother asking if you wanted to do something. He knew how you felt, he had gone through the same exact thing.

I want to go home. I don't like it here. I feel so lonely. The boy that sleeps across the room never talks to me. That Cass lady is always down stairs. I wanna curl up into a ball and escape this world..

And with that, you curled up into a ball stiffly. The boy chuckled. Your hair covered your eyes and you muttered,
"What are you laughing at?" You peeked through your hair and before you was Hiro.
"Nothing. Don't you wanna eat?" He asked politely. You shook your head stubbornly. You uncurled yourself on Tadashi's old bed and looked out the window.

It had been a week since you moved in with the Hamada family. Cass came up and replaced the full plate of food from last night with a new one.

"Sweetie, you have to eat.." She said softly. You stared out the window blankly. Cass left with the old plate and Hiro walked over to you, with the fresh food. He sat next to you.

"Don't make me feed you like a child." He threatened. You looked at him with a raised eye brow. He was holding up a spoon with soup.
"Excuse~" He carefully slid the spoon between your lips. Your eyes widened. He smirked playfully.

"Mission complete." He said happily after removing the spoon from your mouth. You couldn't help but smile. You blushed mildly and he did the same. You guys looked in opposite directions to avoid awkwardness.

"Wanna play video games?" He suggested quickly. You nodded and walked up to the TV. You plopped down on the floor and Hiro copied.

"You can have the (F/C) controller." He offered as he looked at the TV screen. You guys played for the rest of the day until it was dark outside. You sucked at the game the first couple of times, but then you started demolishing Hiro.

"Hey! That's no fair!" He said as your character's sword pierced Hiro's character in the chest. You only smirked. You hadn't noticed that Hiro had gotten much closer to you than before. You reddened.

He decided to put on a movie, in which you both fell asleep during the last scene.

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