Stranger Danger

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"Dad. I'll miss you! Mommy, bring me a souvenir!!" You squealed at your parents. They kissed you good bye and you saw them enter the plane. It started to lift up, but then it burst into flames. You shook your head, and the plane was perfectly fine. You blinked and the plane was wrecked on the runway. You started screaming as tears streamed down your eyes.

"(Y/N).. (Y/N)!!" You blinked the tears away and saw Hiro, standing over you. "A-are you okay?" You gulped and wiped the tears away. You nodded, still shaking from the terrible dream. He sat beside you.

You stared at your feet and before you knew it, his arms were wrapped around you. You gasped and instincts kicked in. //Stranger danger// You pushed him away from you and swiftly smacked his cheek with the back of your hand. Oopss....

"Oww!! What was that for?!" He held his palm against his red cheek. You stayed speechless and a moment later you heard an inflating noise.

A white robot waddled over to Hiro, who was now a safe distance away from you. You looked at the robot, your expression filled with amazement.

"I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the problem?" The robot tilted its head and looked down at Hiro. "I'm fine Baymax. It seems (Y/N) likes smacking people when they try to comfort her." He mumbled back to the robot.

"I will scan you now." Baymax said before Hiro could protest. Hiro huffed. "You seem to have a slight bruise in your cheek." Baymax confirmed. You just sat there, awestruck. The boy sighed. "Thanks alot (Y/N)." You smiled nervously and stood up in front of Hiro.

"Slap me." You ordered. He looked up at you from where he sat on the ground. "What?" You rolled your eyes.
"Come on, hit me with your best shot."
"No, your a girl.. No offense.."
You narrowed your (E/C) eyes.
"And your a boy, what's the difference?" You crossed your arms.
He shook his head.
((To be continued...))

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