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I know hardly anyone looks at my fanfic, but I hope that the people that do enjoy it!!

You glared at Hiro.

"Well, girls are more sensitive then men.." He pointed out.

You bursted out into laughter.
"Men?!" He rolled his eyes. "I literally just smacked you! I'm tough." You smirked. He stayed quiet and his face was red. Is he blushing, or is he just embarrassed....

You sighed and out of nowhere, he pinned you to Tadashi's bed. "Umph!" You weren't ready to be tackled. Your eyes were closed and he examined your face. She's so pretty.. Wait what? Shut up Hiro.. Your delusional.. He thought to himself.

You slowly opened your eyes and Hiro was holding your wrists to the mattress. Your faces were about a foot away... You blushed madly, but then felt uncomfortable with a boy on top of you. With an easy twist, your wrists were freed. You grabbed Hiro's hands, held them against his back, and pushed him onto the bed.

"Grrr.. I surrender!!" He mumbled as you let go of him playfully. He got up and smirked at you. You smiled.

"Men.." You scoffed.

"You know what I meant." He muttered. You pat his head softly and headed towards his room's door with your bag, which was carrying a robot.

Back in California, bot-fighting had been common for rebellious teens like you. Alleys were usually the place for the robots to fight. You were going to invite Hiro, but you were afraid he would tattle and give you a lecture like your parents used to. In your home town, you were the best of all the other teens and adults. It was your favorite hobby, besides (favorite sport).

He spun around in your direction.
"Where are you going?" He tilted his head. You plainly responded, "Shopping." He rolled his eyes.
"(Y/N), I've known you for about two weeks, and not once have you mentioned shopping." He ran over to you and quickly snatched the (F/C) bag.
"Hey!!" You tried to get it back, but failed. "That's not yours!!" You yelled.
He opened it and pulled out a (F/C) robot.
"What's this?" He examined its features.
"A battle bot." You murmured. He paused before speaking.
"You bot fight?" He looked over at you, slouching by the door. You nodded feeling a bit ashamed. To your surprise, Hiro's eyes lit up.
"Awesome!" He said loudly from excitement.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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