☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑇𝐸𝐸𝑁 ࿐ྂ

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it's been a few days since the break up and no one has heard from nai, not even hannah and that says a lot.

everyone constantly called and texted nailea but she never answered, she just lied in bed, surviving off of chips and water. she only got out of her bed to use the bathroom or to get more chips and water.

jacob was extremely worried for the girl. though he knew it's all his fault. he had sent nailea over 100 texts and called her more than he would call anyone. he hadn't left his room since either, he washed his sheets, took a shower, grabbed some food and water and just stayed in his room. he just wished nai would let him explain.

hannah was more worried than worried for her best friend, nailea had never gone M.I.A like that so hannah knew something was up. hannah goes to nailea's house every day to see if nai's car is there. once she sees nai's car she tries knocking on her front door but nai never answers. hannah usually sees ethan and emma there doing the same thing she does.

hannah banana <3

i miss u :(
please tell me what's wrong

u've been M.I.A for days and i'm worried
jacobs not answering either
is everything okay between u two?

i love u

Today 7:44 AM

i love u so much nai
hope you're doing okay <3
i still miss u :(

talk to me whenever you're ready
i hope you're staying hydrated and eating <3

Today 1:45 PM

i love u hannah kepple

i love u more nailea devora
are u okay? i'm always here if u need

no, i'm not. can u come over?

yes of course, i'll be there soon <3

nai finally got the strength to get out of bed and open the door for hannah. nailea was greeted by a very worried best friend who had a gift basket with flowers.

"hi" hannah smiled "hi" nai managed to say "i'm sorry" nai slightly cried "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to ignore you" nai cried "no, no. don't worry about it" hannah said setting down the basket "i'm just glad you're okay" hannah hugged her crying best friend "barely" nai sniffled "are you okay with telling me what's going on?" hannah asked, nai just nodded "me and jacob broke up" nai said leaving hannah completely shocked "oh my God" hannah said "it was a mutual break up. we both thought it was time to end it. we're still friends" nai lied "i'm sorry" hannah hugged nai "don't be. we'll find our way back to each other" nai lied once more

as the two girls hugged, hannah's phone started ringing "it's xolo" hannah said before putting her phone down "it's okay, you can answer it" nai said "are you sure?" hannah asked "yeah" nai nodded. hannah sadly smiled before answering the phone "of course" hannah said once the call ended "what's going on?" nai asked "xolo needs me for something but won't tell me what" hannah answered "i'm so sorry, nai. if it didn't sound so urgent i'd totally stay with you" hannah said "no, no. it's okay. i get it" nai nodded "thank you. love you" hannah hugged nai one more time "love you more" nai said and with that hannah left

"what's so important? i left nai alone for this" hannah asked xolo once she got to his house "you were with nai?" xolo asked "yes" hannah answered "did she tell you why her and jacob are M.I.A?" xolo asked "her and jacob broke up. nai said it was mutual and that they're still friends" hannah sighed "holy shit" xolo said "i was gonna go to jacobs. that's why i called you" xolo said "for?" hannah asked "just to see how he's doing" xolo answered "ok, let's go" hannah agreed

the couple got to jacobs house and greeted jacobs family "how's jacob?" xolo asked "i'm not sure. he hasn't left his room in like 4 days" christina answered "how's nai?" christina asked "she's not doing good" hannah answered "poor baby" christina sighed "we've all tried to get jacob to talk to us or at least open his door, nothing. but you two can give it a try" christina said, the couple just nodded before walking upstairs to jacobs room

"jacob?" xolo quietly knocked "jacob? it's me, buddy. i'm with hannah. are you okay?" xolo asked. when the couple heard no response from jacob they just sadly looked at each other then started to walk downstairs. until the door finally opened "wait" jacob told the couple. xolo and hannah turned around to see a very sad-looking jacob and they were at a loss for words. they've never seen jacob like this "hey, man" xolo smiled before walking back up and hugged jacob "hey" jacob hugged xolo "everything okay, man? you've been M.I.A for days" xolo asked "can we talk in my room" jacob asked xolo and hannah. they both nodded before walking into jacobs room

"are you okay?" hannah asked the boy "no" jacob answered truthfully "is nai okay?" jacob asked "no" hannah sadly answered "fuck" jacob sighed "i'm guessing you broke up with her" hannah said "what?" jacob asked "nai told me it was a mutual break up. that you both decided it's time to end it but i'm pretty sure that was a lie" hannah said leaving jacob completely shocked, though he did nai wrong, nai still made sure no one would give jacob shit. he really does miss nai "it was something like that" jacob lied "you don't need to tell us if you don't want to. we just wanna make sure you're okay" xolo said "i really miss her, man" jacob said "she misses you too" xolo said "doubt it" jacob said 'she's probably at home wondering what she did wrong. she did nothing wrong. i'm so stupid' jacob said in his head

the couple stayed at jacobs for a few hours. they talked to him, tried getting him to laugh, and jacob laughed but it was all fake. he's not happy with what he's done, he misses nai so much. he just wants her to talk to him. face - to - face. he wants to tell her what happened. he wants to make sure she's okay. he wants to make sure that nai knows she did nothing wrong. he wants her to know that what he did was a mistake and if he could, he would undo that whole night. he just wants his girlfriend back, though she's not his girlfriend anymore.

that whole morning just keeps replying in his head, like a loop. after xolo and hanna left, jacob texted nai once more. it's become a daily routine for him.

nai <3

Yesterday 7:43 PM

i hope you're okay
talk to me please
i wanna tell you the truth

i'm sorry

Today 8:44 AM

you up?

please respond nai :(
i miss you a lot

Today 4:25 PM

hannah and xolo stopped by today
you could've told hannah the truth about our break up but you didn't, why?

please respond :(
if you think you did anything wrong, please trust me. you didn't
i promise you. it was a mistake that i regret more than anything

nai got all of the notifications from jacobs texts but didn't answer. her heart stung a little when he said he missed her and when he begged her to respond. she wanted to respond, she really did, she wants to know the truth but she just couldn't do it. she couldn't bring herself to respond.

i got you - jacob bertrand Where stories live. Discover now