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They both stop breathing, they don't want to make a sound, the sound of foot step grow louder, Stiles and Lydia turn to face each other, theirs eyes grew wide with fear, they turn back to the door.

The foot steps come closer.

One set of foot steps stops. 

A shot fired.


The sound rings out through the halls, echoing off the walls.

There's a loud thud, and silence follows. 

They spend sometime staring at the door, Lydia looks over to Stiles, taking in heaves of air.

He starts with a whisper. "Some one just..." He lets out a shaky breath. "Some one just got shot," He points at the door. "out there." Stiles looks at his hand that is still in the air, he flattens out his hand and looks carefully at it.

Maybe you'll have six fingers.

Maybe this is all a dream.

Come on Stiles, get it together, you deal with death on a daily basis, with the werewolf, how is this any different? 

Five. He has five fingers. 

Lydia looks at him.

Ok Lydia.

You're kinda freaking out right now.

But he seems to be really freaking out.

So you have to be the grounded one.

You have to be the anchor!

She places one hand on his shoulder and a finger on he lips, making a quite shushing. "Ok, Stiles." His breath starts speeding up. "Someone just-" 

"No, don't focus on out side, focus on me." Lydia, as quietly as possible, adjusts her body to be placed in front of Stiles, his breath rapidly increasing. "I'm having- I can't bre-" Stiles said between short rapid breaths. "I'm having a panic attack."

"Ok, well that's going to have to stop, because it's getting kinda loud." She puts his face in her hands and puts his focus on her. "Just, try to calm down, think of your friends."

"The one's that are in this school."

Lydia cringes. "Think of family."

"The one that I'm never gonna see again."

Lydia lets our a frustrated breath. "Think of people who love you."

He locks eyes with her. "Which is no one."

Holding your breath.

Holding your breath can stop a panic attack!

Lydia acts quickly, doing the first thing she can think of, that'll make someone hold their breath. She kisses him, she brings his face to hers, and captures his lips with hers. Everything stop, the only sound is their racing hearts. Lydia savors the kiss, more then she thought she would, enjoying the taste of mint on his lips. She slowly pulled away from his lips, almost hesitant. Lydia looks at the floor, eyes slowly moving up to meet Stiles'.


Lydia quickly slaps a hand over his mouth and places a finger over her lips. The sound of foot steps pass the door. They hold their breath, until the sound fades into he distance. Lydia removes her hand from Stiles face and lets out a sigh. She places her body besides Stiles, he looks over at her. 

"Um, how did... How did you do that." He takes in a deep breath.

"I umm, read somewhere, that... holding your breath, could stop a panic attack. And when I kissed you... you uh, held your breath." Lydia explains.

"Thanks, that's really smart."


sorry this part is kinda short

but all of them are kinda short

cuz im terrible at writing 

ok, i want guesses on who the shooter is

because you might be finding out next chapter 👀

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All In A Hour // A Stydia FicWhere stories live. Discover now