From A Whole Another World

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[A/N: I positively adore Zhongli so when back I first started in Summer 2021 I was super excited to reach Liyue. I had kinda spoiled myself knowing he was actually Morax....oops. Regardless that was one of the only two things spoiled for for the main storyline of Liyue Arc. So actually helping him shop I couldn't stop laughing. So I hope this chapter brings back those memories and make you giggle for our boi and Lumine too. As I always do I provide music I feel fits the chapter or just fits the couple or character, so enjoy.]


Well this got strange.

Lumine had never expected that somebody like Zhongli had actually forgotten  his wallet and even was not too good with handling mora. Something that a every day ordeal when having to factor in Paimon's monster apatite along with her budget for renting out a inn or hotel room, garnering supplies for the road, and the care of her sword. Not to mention the cost for making sure her small medical kit remained prepared and didn't run out of the supplies Barbara had been so kind to give her. 

"Mr.Zhongli, I'm with Paimon, that was way too much!"protested Lumine after pulling the burnette aside. "That was literally two times the amount of mora."

"Mora, Hmm..."Zhongli though had a look of confusion as he pondered her words. The concept of mora was one he created yet...h-he was struggling with this part of mortal's way of life. A life style that didn't really exist until the far distant past. "This is proving more...complicated then I thought."Zhongli thought with a troubled hum. How bothersome and troubling, but this was his life now and he held no desire to reveal more then required.

"It is as you say, Miss Lumine and Miss Paimon. I suppose I overlooked this one particular act of the transaction."he admitted calmly.

"Huh? How do you forget about mora when buying things!?"squeaked Paimon.

"You'd be surprise, since you do it often enough, Paimon. Like back at Wanshu Inn for example..."Lumine was swift to point out with an annoyed looked at her partner. Man she had arrived at that inn with over 80,000 mora she'd got from her jobs and all the chests she'd found along the way.

"Hey! Paimon thought you dropped that subject!"pouted the celestial fairy only to earn a giggle from the blonde.

"Now, now Miss Paimon. Miss Lumine meant no harm in her words after all."he tried to reassure the fairy before continuing. "To answer your question, if one must always consider mora then one becomes bound to it in all things."


Well that one just flew over her guide's head big time. But Lumine was not surprised considering how liberal the fairy was tossing mora to the wind like it grew on trees! The look of frustration on the young blonde's face but clear understanding at his words was astonishing. This young woman was actually understanding his view on the matter despite her frustrations. "Paimon, that really flew over your head faster then Dvalin didn't it? Mr.Zhongli's talking about economics. It's how everything from a simple household all the way to how a nation handles goods."Lumine explained with ease.

Once more Zhongli was surprised by this woman that defied his world's logic. How did this young woman that appeared to be no more then a young adult just reaching their twenties know this? It was rather impressive and made a slight smile cross his face at the girls' banter. "You really are quite much like her, yet, also not..."he thought. After finally coming up with a plan of attack he watched with increased fascination as Lumine rather easily haggled and with a little bit of his help they had managed to secure a couple of samples of the jade.

"So I trust you have an idea as to where we may put these shards to the test?"he asked as they headed towards the ancient waypoint device. 

"Uh huh. Paimon has a pretty good idea, we can go there. Right Lumine?"Lumine nodded.

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