Familiar But Not

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[A/N: Zhongli's memories of his past start overlapping into the present of a certain woman he thought he had long stopped grieving for. Something begins to form between Lumine and Zhongli.]


Lumine hummed as she went over the list of things they needed for the Rite of Parting. "Noctilucous Jade, check. Some kites from the toymaker, check. And we got some workers lined up."she hummed going over the list as she sat casually under a tree by some silk flower bushes. She let out a soft grunt as she scratched her head with the top of her fountain pen that Jean had gifted her. In the span of the last few days it been hectic trying to help Zhongli get everything ready for the ceremony. Not far away from them Zhongli was reading through some documents not only for the Rite of Parting but also for his employer. 

But due to a certain floating glutton her wallet was now almost empty...AGAIN. "Please explain why you had to insist on buying everything on the menu at Xiangling's family diner?"

"Paimon said she sorry ok!"pouted the fairy.

"Ugh...looks like we'll be camping out tonight. I can't afford to rent another night at the inn here in town or at Wanshu Inn."she grumbled catching Zhongli's attention.

The ombre burnette gentleman looked at her with concern knowing just how dangerous camping out at night in Liyue's wilderness could get. Even the most seasoned adventurer would some times end up struggling if precautions were not taken. Somehow this did not bold well in his mind as an old memory surfaced....

...."But Morax, it wouldn't be wise to keep moving with it getting so dark!"protested the dark blonde hair that faded into a dusty brown. She was robed in hues of blue,  tinged with soft yellows and whites with a silk shawl of brilliant gold. In her waist length hair on were a couple of glaze lilies she adored so dearly. 

"Hmph, it matters not. We must keep going, Guizhung."dismissed the cloaked figure of the geo archon himself. His stern, steady gaze not leaving the the beautiful young woman that was the Goddess of Dust. The war was still going strong and the recent word of what happened to the Goddess of Salt had reached both their ears very recently.

"Morax, we have to stop. It will be too dangerous and the Lord of the Vortex is gaining ground. The humans can't keep up with us without rest either."rebuked Guizhung. "I swear you are such a block head!"

Morax could only gawk at this fiesty but weak archon and the way she pouted was kind of cute. With a sigh he finally relented, "Fine, we'll do as you wish. I can never win an argument against you can I, dear Guizhong?"

"Until the day comes you can crack my puzzle, my dear Morax, that day will not come."giggled Guizhong with a teasing glint to her dusty brown eyes. "I am still your tactician but you are somebody precious to me. Our contract would be pointless if one of the others suddenly slayed you before we even reach the coast."

"Don't joke about such things Guizhung!"he snapped sharply. Guizhung could only give her star shattering smile....


Zhongli had to blink a few times as for a brief moment he thought he was seeing that familiar woman but in fact it was Lumine. She had at some point crawled over to him and was looking at him with concern after waving her hand in his face. This powerful sense of deja vu that now overtook him made him take a deep breath in an attempt to ease his mind and racing heart from her being so close. It was a feeling he thought had been buried centuries ago, this feeling of warmth. "Zhongli are you alright? You've been staring this entire time."Lumine asked again.

"I 'm fine, Miss Lumine. Forgive me for causing any concern to you."he said quickly clearing his throat before getting to his feet. However he froze in his steps to look over at the blonde traveler. "I couldn't help but overhear you do not have a place to stay?"

"Why yes, somebody went on a little glutton feast and now I can't afford the inn we're staying in."she sighed hopping down fro mthe ledge to walk over to him. Her companion pouting and mumbling from being upset.

"Then I would like to extend an invitation to you Miss Lumine to stay at my home. But in return what can yo offer me?"Zhongli offered.

"Really? That would be great."Lumine said in delight before pondering what she could offer in return. "How about I help around the house and help you plan a budget for you to follow in exchange while I'm here in Liyue?"

"That seems fair....and I would most appreciate the assistance."he agreed. Verbal contract though it may be in his eyes it was still one that benefitted them both at this time. It was so simple but it had brought a smile to her face that seemed to shatter the stars. Casually he motioned for the girls to follow him to a small estate at the far side of the city with a rather simple garden as it overlooked the view of Liyue Harbor from the steep cliffs as a waterfall trickled near by. Tumbling with his keys he soon got it unlocked and opened the door to permit Lumine and Paimon inside. 

The house itself was elegant but still what one would call warm with its decor and held a sense of history to it. Ancient scroll paintings of cranes with Liyue's calligraphy adorned the walls in certain areas as she followed Zhongli around. He showed her his small study along with the dining area, kitchen, and more casual lounge area to receive guests. The last was the guest room that was no more less elegant then the rest of the house.

"This is shockingly clean and well kept. Paimon's surprised."mused Paimon.

"Paimon!"snapped Lumine. "How would you like to be emergency food?"

"Eeii!!"Paimon squealed in fright as Lumine started chasing her around the house. Lumine though froze at hearing a strong, deep booming laughter from where she was half way on and off the couch. Both their eyes looked over to see it was in fact Zhongli laughing; something they had never seen nor heard before. It was a strong, bold sound almost like the tumbling of a mountain landslide. Strong and hearty as he walked over wiping tears of mirth from his laughter from his eyes. Zhongli couldn't help himself nor had he expected to laugh like this and...it all felt so familiar and nostalgic yet also not. Why did this energetic woman bring such things to the surface and why did he keep getting reminded of what he couldn't get back? 

Those thoughts weighed heavy on him as he took his coat off and hanged it up on the coat rack near by. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. I'll be in my study if you acquire some assistance."he offered with a smile. 

"Of course, thanks again Zhongli."smiled Lumine in delight.

With a nod Zhongli vanished down the hall into into his small study office, closing the door behind him. He walked over to sit at his desk allowing himself to relax. He did not know what was going on with himself. The way Lumine was making these old wounds ache and a warmth swell like a flood in his heart. "She's defiantly the one from back then."he thought. The strange entity that had had reached out and touched his powers as the Geo Archon. 


Zhongli shot up at that whisper on the breeze coming in from his window. Swiftly his feet moved on their own straight for the window edge. Disbelief on his face as not far away in the garden was Lumine. Standing like a fading phantom of mist he was not sure but there had been a familiar scent of lilies on the wind. Lumine looked over offering star shattering smile and a look of curiosity as she was hauling a bucket of water for the flowers. The setting sun casting her golden locks in a radiance of the stars reflecting on the harbor at night.

"Oh I didn't disturb you did I Mr.Zhongli? Paimon and I noticed the garden needed a little tending. But we got some tea brewing, want us to bring you some later?"Lumine called in delight.

"No you didn't disturb me, Miss Lumine and I would appreciate the tea very much."he called earning smiles from the traveler and her companion. Slowly he turned away after watching her turn around the corner. The evening spring breeze once more brought the scent of glaze lilies and earth making him freeze in astonishment as the all too familiar haunting echo danced on the breeze. Bring silent tears to his eyes.

"When are you going to tell her, Morax?"

To Be Continued...

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