Don't You Dare Wake Her

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[A/N: Shhh!!! Lets not wake up Lumine, she's not feeling well and anger Geo CEO please! Wait Xiao and Childe stop fighting you'll wake Lumine and anger Zhongli!! *sees them get smacked by pillar* Too late...]


It had been a few days since disaster had been adverted and the Rite of Parting would be tomorrow afternoon. Since then and alerting the adepti that he was in fact very much alive and well one by one they had stopped by his home that overlooked Liyue Harbor. But there were two in particular guests that visited often: Xiao and Childe. The skies that afternoon were some what cloudy and the air held a warmth that promised summer and also the coming lantern festival that was not far away as the fleeting plum blossoms ceased to be. Right now though Zhongli quite enjoying his days off as he tended to and helped Lumine while she recovered. The painkillers along with her lingering fever left his poor beloved confined mostly to her bed, sleeping off the side effects it gave her. 

Which led to what he was doing right now ringing out a damp and cold cloth he had dipped into a bowl of special medicinal water Xiao and Madame Ping had been kind enough to prepare. It had been made to treat her from the strain the adeptal energies over abundance had caused. Zhongli with care placed it on her forehead as she continued to sleep deeply and soundly. Mumbles leaving her lips as she stirred just a little from the soothing relief it had brought. 

"How is she doing, Lord Morax?"Zhongli looked over to see the young yaksha sitting in the window sill. His tiger-like eyes looking over at the slumbering blonde.

"Doing a lot better, Xiao. I owe you and our comrades a thank you for the aid."Zhongli thanked but made sure to keep his voice down so as not to disturb Lumine.

"Hnph. I did try to warn her but since do mortals ever listen."Xiao huffed. Zhongli though could see while his words said one thing his gaze betrayed the young adeptus. There was concern and kindness in those golden eyes as he looked at where Lumine slept without a care in the world. there also seemed to be a tinge of guilt deep in those irises as well.

"Xiao, she will be alright."he assured quietly leaving the room as Xiao followed him without a word, stealing a glance back at Lumine. With Lumine sound asleep and no work to do today at the funeral parlor or for the ceremony Zhongli decided to head outside to relax. 

"Oh Mr. Zhongli~!"

Xiao instantly went on high alert at the cheerful sing song greeting of a certain Fatui Harbinger. Sure enough it was in deed Childe as he ran over waving in greeting. He seemed to be just as energetic as ever even with the injuries Lumine had given him at Golden House. "What is this Fatui doing here again?"hissed Xiao.

"Oh, you mean Childe? He's been stopping by here rather often."Zhongli grinned in amusement. Xiao looked a bit surprised at this as menacing sparks seemed to fly between the harbinger and the yaksha as Zhongli pulled out a pocket watch to check the time. "That time already? I suppose I should go check in on Lumine."he thought before putting it back in his pocket. 

"Now Xiao be nice and Childe behave."Zhongli firmly instructed. "I'll be back shortly."

The tension was thick as Zhongli patted the young adeptus on the shoulder making the boy back down just a little. Enough for him to calm down actually but not enough to lower his guard as Xiao's golden eyes watched Zhongli disappear back inside his house. Humming softly Zhongli went straight for Lumine's room to check in on her once more. She was still contently lost to the world of her dreams but the faint traces of the fever remained. Once more he dunked the clothe in the basin and placed it back. However at hearing a rather loud ruckus just outside Lumine let out an annoyed, pained whine. "Hnhmph..."

Zhongli was not pleased as at once he knew the source and owners of the racket that was now threatening to disturb and wake his dearly beloved. With firm steps he hurried over to pear out the window to see Xiao being edged and teased on by one ginger haired harbinger. "Not again."he thought with a sigh turning his gaze towards Lumine's now distressed face. All this noise was not good for her right now with her current headache. Lumine needed this time to rest especially if she wanted to go see the Rite of Parting she had worked so hard to help in the preparations. So with a quick walk over to her side he took her hand pecking a light kiss to the back of her hand before setting it back at her side. "I'll go see if I can do anything."he whispered. Zhongli then left the room and went back outside as the scene before him only seem to be getting worse until he arrived before them. 

"Xiao, Childe I thought I told you to behave. You're disturbing her with this needless ruckus."scolded Zhongli.

"Oh m-my Lord! I'm sorry but this damn Fatui is picking a fight with me."Xiao swiftly apologized as he relayed the older adeptus what was happening. He really felt bad though he would not admit it. Had they been that loud that their disagreement here was disturbing the traveler's repose. Lumine was somebody precious to his dear lord and a friend to Xiao.

Childe felt a little bad too since Lumine's condition had been mostly his fault in regards to the floor caving in. He couldn't help it with how excited the thrill of the duel always sent a chill up his spine. But still it was just way too easy to push this adeptus's buttons. "Nah, I was just kidding aroun' really, Mr.Zhongli. He doesn't have a single speck of humor at all, what a pitiful tiger cub."

"Childe, stop at once."Zhongli warned.

"Who are you calling pitiful you trigger happy mortal!?"growled Xiao.

"Xiao, that means you too."Zhongli's eye began to twitch in growing frustration between these two boys. The Geo Archon had always been considered the most patient of the seven but even he was starting to loose patience. 

"I knew it you really don't understand human language! So how about I spell it out for you then? I said you are nya really pitiful nya nyaaa~!"taunted Childe with a teasing sneer. Zhongli's eye only began to twitch more as a soft growl began to roll in his throat with growing irritation.

"I am going to slowly make you suffer before I kick you off this cliff damn pathetic Fatui!"snarled Xiao. And that had officially made Zhongli's temper bare its fangs as his hand began to glow with the distinct power of geo as his golden tattoo-like markings appeared across his arms under his clothes as he manifested a stone pillar and with a mighty kicked smacked it down between them as he snarled, "ENOUGH!!"


Oh they had really done it earning the ire of the god of contracts himself as they landed flat on their rears from that one single action. Zhongli's arms crossed as he glared cold as the glaciers of Dragonspine. Still the two boys were still at each others throats despite now being black and blue. "Can you two just stop this juvenile nonsense? Lumine is still unwell and trying to sleep here."scolded Zhongli.

"I am trying, honestly Mr.Zhongli. But this runt here just won't let cut it out."Childe huffed.

"Who are you calling a runt, stupid Fatui!?"snapped Xiao.

"Then you stop."protested Childe.

"Boys..."warned Zhongli with growing impatience.

"I'll stop when you do first mortal!"hissed Xiao.

Now Zhongli had left the Domain of PAtience, kiss it and its artifacts goodbye as they become petrified and turned to dust. Yet another pillar starting to ominously show signs of starting to manifest as before both their eyes the vetern archon's face turned dark with his temper. "I WILL HAVE ORDER!!"

"Eeeeeeeeiiiiiiii!!!"Childe and Xiao instantly clung to each other in panicked fright. They had been dually reminded actually why not to anger the eldest and probably one of the strongest of the seven archons of Tevyet. Lesson learned for the harbinger and yaksha was don't do anything that would bother the Traveler and thus, upset Morax himself. yet some how throughout all this ruckus Lumine slept like a log.

To Be Continued...

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