Forgive Yourself, Morax

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[A/N: Zhongli gets a visit and push from the most unlikely of sources. She makes him see what he denies. Zhongli grows to accept and leaves that part of his past behind.]


It was very early in the morning as not even the sun had yet begun to rise. Stars still twinkled bright reflecting in the waters of Dihua Marsh where a small campsite could be seen. Cricket and frog song danced on the cool marshy breeze as reeds and tree blossoms swayed. The humble campfire having longed died away with nothing but a faint wisp of smoke to proved it had ever burned. Inside the tent were three figures that in fact belonged to Lumine, Paimon, and Zhongli.

The ombre haired gentleman awoke with a start, slowly sitting up after his dreams had been haunted by the very battle that turned this area into a marsh. This place that had once been such a beautiful valley meadow of glaze lilies. He looked over to see the girls still sound asleep, oblivious of the world. "Just a dream or...was it my memories?"he thought solemnly. His gaze turned to Lumine's sleeping face, a feeling of tenderness washing over him. He reached to stroke her cheek only to pull back. He still couldn't believe he thought of her in this way. What right did he have? He had failed and let Guizhong slip away.

"Morax~?"came a whisper on the wind, catching him off guard.

 His head shot up in disbelief at being shaken from his thoughts at the familiar voice and scent of lilies on the wind surrounded him so. Slowly he got to his feet and walked down the hill towards the marshy shore's banks. A lone glaze lily caught his eye near the shade of a cluster of moss covered boulders. Pain and sorrow as countless memories of him and Guizhong played through his mind like a broken record. They then mixed together with the memories he had made with Lumine bringing warmth and confusion and denial to his melancholy heart.

"Morax?"He looked around feeling a chill as something grazed his hand and that voice on the wind. 

"Guizhong?"he whispered. Why was he hearing her voice and could even sense her as if she was here? It made no sense....Guizhong was dead.

"MORAX!!"came the ghostly shout making him look behind him to spot the ghostly figure. The spirit of the goddess of dust giggled at the dumbstruck expression on her former love's face. "Geez, about time you noticed me you blockhead."

"Guizhong....I don't understand. Why do you linger here? Why has your soul not moved on like the others have long ago?"he whispered.

"Why? Because for the last few centuries somebody has not been able to forgive themselves."sighed Guizhong with sadness in her eyes. 

The goddess of dust turned her gaze to look in the direction of the tent as a knowing smile graced her face. A soft, breezy sort of laughter leaving her lips as she smiled. Zhongli followed her gaze knowing full well she was looking towards where Lumine was sleeping. But he adverted his gaze both from the campsite and to Guizhong, guilt and shame heavy in his eyes and denial in his heart. A cold chill alerted him as he felt the spirit's hands cup his face. "Morax, Barbatos is right you can be such a blockhead. Here you are having found somebody to truly cherish and love yet you continue to lie to yourself."scolded Guizhong.

He...he loved Lumine?

But what right did he have?

Guizhong's cheeks puffed out in that cute innocent pout she always did when annoyed. "Morax, I told you to forget about me and forget about that puzzle. Its time for you to forgive yourself, Morax. Do not make the mistake of letting your heart slip away again."she urged as she leaned in and kissed him between the eyes. She began to then fade away into mist before vanishing as he reached out for her. But Guizhong was gone and tears had taken her place. But he also knew now because of her worry for him, the goddess of dust had not been able to rest in peace and leave the plain of the living behind. 

He realized also now that she did not hold him to blame for the events that lead to her demise. Some how he also knew her parting words to be true...he had to forgive himself and leave the past behind. "I'm no longer Rex Lapis. This is a new beginning and a clean slate I must tread."he thought.

"Zhongli?"came Lumine's shout as around them the light of dawn began to slowly make itself known. The song of marsh birds coming to greet the rising sun as the stars faded away. Casting a golden glow and pastel hues onto the land. He felt her petite hands on his arm which only confirmed she had in fact noticed his absence and had come all the way here to look for him. Concern and worry could be seen on her face but deeper still was a fond affection as she got him to turn around and face her.

"Zhongli are you alright? You suddenly left the camp without a word. That's very much not like you."she asked worriedly.

He gave no reply looking at her with such sad, grief stricken eyes that closed briefly at suddenly once more scenting glaze lilies on the morning breeze as a chilling touch could be again felt placed on his forehead. Then to his surprise he felt a light ghostly shove to the back that made him step closer to Lumine. Then just as fast all signs that Guizhong's spirit had been here had vanished. Zhongli's sorrow faded away to affection as he softly smiled at Lumine.

"Just a moment of nostalgia, you need not worry Lumine."he reassured, gently bringing her hand to rest on his cheek. It had surprised Lumine but the affection returned as no words had to be said as Lumine brought up her other hand to caress his other cheek. His strong, slender large hands that handled a staff with ease held her face with such gentle tenderness. Slowly as the sun finally came out to frame them both they kissed lovingly and passionately under its basking spring warmth. The lone glaze lily near by bloomed reacting to this gentle yet loving passion. 

To Be Continued...

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