✰ 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝓇ℯℯ

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His thumb grazed along your jawline, tilting your face towards his own to get a better view. His pretty ocean blue eyes trailed along your features, drinking in every inch. Memorizing the length of your eyelashes, the color of your lively eyes that had enchanted him, counting every mole/freckle that decorated your face.

The longer he stared at you with that serious but thoughtful expression of his, the more nervous you became. He had told you a week prior of his upcoming departure for the empire but it still felt so unreal that he would be leaving you in the morning and if you were being honest this encounter only furthered you to believe that this was more of a silent goodbye before he left for his own execution and your anxiety did not appreciate that in the slightest.

So you place your hand on top of his and stared into his pretty eyes with an inviting smile.

Very slowly, you reached your other hand to caress his cheek, he closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying your touch and committing to memory the feel of your touch. This could quite possibly be the last time the two of you could be so intimate with one another and he was going to savor every second of it.

Your touch was all the encouragement he needed as he finally lowered his head, pressing his warm, soft lips against your own for the first, but not the last, time this night. You slide your hand from his cheek and twist your fingers into the silver strands at the base of his neck.

His arms encircle around your waist, pulling you closer. He was holding you almost desperately, in a protective hold as if he never wanted to let you go. His hand pressing into your lower back, squeezing you tightly against him.

Yes, he didn't want to let you go, never.

You broke away for much needed air, he smiled softly as he too gathered his breath. Julius leaned down, bopping his forehead against yours and nuzzles you lovingly. You appreciate the soft moment but lean back up and steal a greedy kiss, he eagerly responds. Distracted by the addicting feel of his lips you don't quite notice him backing up, guiding you both towards the direction of your awaiting bed.

The back of his knees hit the frame of your bed and he lowered himself onto it.

You followed right after, settling between his open knees.

You gasp as he slides his hands to the lace at the back of your dress, beginning to remove it. Your loose nightgown pooled around you as it fluttered down. His fingertips danced across your now bare skin, summoning goosebumps in their wake, making you gasp at the sensation. He used the opportunity to slide his skillful tongue into your mouth. As he devoured your mouth you tugged impatiently at his simple blouse, wanting him to be as naked as you.

He pulled away and swiftly lifted the white material over his head and threw it to the ground. Julius smiled contentedly up at you, his hands caressing your soft skin lovingly. As the both of you gathered your breaths once more you finally had time to think.

You would miss this, these moments with him. The ones where he would sneak into your mansion by climbing up the terrace that lead to your room all so he could visit you and steal kisses and much needed cuddles and sometimes more. You struggled to imagine what it would be like without him for how many months.

You quickly concluded it would be anything but pleasant, and that you never wished to experience.

Your mouth returned to his, and you decided that the only natural place your lips belonged were with his. Your heart stuttered as his hand stroked your thighs for a few seconds as your lips moved in sync, then he used it to lift your hips up and pull you closer, to sit on his well toned stomach as he laid on his back. Then he rolled the both of you over, pressing you into the mattress as your leg rubbed along his now bare side and he pulled the silk sheets over the two of you.

The both of you got lost in the feeling of one another that night. Hands interlaced as your bodies became connected under the sheets. Gasping and moaning in pleasure as you whispered each other's names and how much you love one another until you were both tired out and ready to rest in one another's arms until the sun rose and Julius woke you to share a bath to clean up after your late night activities.

𝒫𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈ℯ 𝒟ℴ𝓃'𝓉 𝒢ℴ|| Julius x reader x BanessaWhere stories live. Discover now