𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 ℴ𝓃ℯ

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"If I asked you to marry me today, would you?"

There is no time to prepare your easily flustered heart when the question comes out of no where.

The lead of your pencil creates a weird line as you are startled from your intense focus on the sad excuse of what can't really be called a frog at the heart pounding question your lover has too casually asked

You refuse to let him see you blush and tighten your hold on the pencil in your hand almost snapping it in half, and exhale.

You turn your head with the answer on the tip of your tongue but still when you see Julius' expression.

Your lover lays lazily on the grass with an oddly peaceful look in his eyes as they peer curiously at you with an overwhelming amount of affection for you shinning in them.

You smug little shit, you want to say out loud but don't because that would really make him smug.

"No." You instead opt to say.

"You are too cruel!" The silver haired man whines, his shoulders drooping in exaggerated sadness as the little flower ring wrapped around his ring finger wilts from rejection.

Childish laughter of a young boy makes you perk up and smile softly at the sight of Ditrian holding his stomach at the scene before him.

"Are you laughing at your older brothers suffering?" Julius dramatically gasps and jumps up and swoops his little brother up in one swift movement, starling the poor kid.

"Absolutely!" Ditrian recovers quickly, laughing mockingly but then soon squeals as his older brother starts tickling him without mercy.

"Oh, you'll pay for that my dear brother!" Julius let's the younger boy down and Ditrian takes this chance to bolt.

You watch in content as the two brothers playfully run around the garden. You wince when Julius eats grass when he trips over his own legs when Ditrian makes a sharp turn the opposite way he had previously been running catching the older man off guard.

You snort very lady like and shake your head at your lovers antics.

Julius apparently hears you since he immediately  jumps back up and looks at you with a betrayed look.

You wave him off and as much fun as it is watching the two brothers mess around you really wanted to figure out how to draw a recognizable frog. At the very least. Although you don't get the chance because soon enough Ditrian is running towards you crying.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I broke the flower crown you put so much effort into making!" The black haired prince sniffles causing you to laugh, making his puffy face fluster all the more brighter.

"Don't worry about kiddo. All is good, I can just make you another one." You gently take the broken flower wreath from his trembling hands. "We have plenty of time after all."

Ditrian smiles widely, "Can I help?!"

"Of course sweetheart, go and pick the flowers you want." You encourage.

"Don't go too far!" Julius yells after his excited brother who simply waves him off. "He's giving me attitude?! Y/n, he's all grown up what am I to do?"

You tilt your head, raise an unimpressed brow, and sarcastically open your arms in invitation for a hug, "Do you need a hug now that you've realized your little brother is going through his rebellious phase."

"Yes please!" Your lover happily dives into your arms and cuddles you.

His weight knocks you over and you land on your back with an oof. You blankly stare at the sky, watching the clouds pass by and try to ignore how fast your heart is beating. You pat the silver haired beauty's shoulder and he looks at you curiously.

"I would prefer to cuddle on a bed with you instead of on the heard earth." You give him a bland look he easily sees through.

Affection and amusement shimmer beautifully in his lovely baby blue eyes and he leans down and kisses you.

"I guess I'll see you tonight."

𝒫𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈ℯ 𝒟ℴ𝓃'𝓉 𝒢ℴ|| Julius x reader x BanessaWhere stories live. Discover now