𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓉𝓌ℴ

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The sound of gentle tapping against your balcony doors wakes you from the spell the fantasy novel you were reading had put you in.

You look up and see that the sun has long since retired for the day and in its place the moon had risen high in the sky with the uncountable amount of stars that twinkled brilliantly.

Getting over the initial shock of how late it is you finally register the obvious silhouette of a person through the light colored curtains that provide some privacy.

Knowing that there is only one person brave enough to enter your families land and the only person who had come over for late night visits since your shared childhood to adulthood, you smile affectionately not very concerned that it was a potential thief in the night.

If this was a thief in the first place, they obviously wouldn't have bothered to knock so politely and just make their own entrance.

With that reassuring thought in mind you bookmark the page you had previously been reading and discard it on the side table.

You get up from your comfortable bed and stretch your arms high above your head and let loose a tired yawn.

You rub at your eyes tiredly as you quietly walk across your carpeted floor kind of regretting over straining your eyes just to read a trashy story.

You brush the curtain aside and get an eye full of your patiently waiting lover leaning against the door with his arms crossed looking alluring in his loose clothing as the moon just happened to shine on him at the right angle.

"Hey handsome." You greet through the glass door with a smile.

"Hey lovely, mind letting me in? It's a bit chilly out here." Julius beams at the sight of you as if he hadn't seen you earlier in the day and asked such a heart pounding question.

You silently nod and barely open the door when the energetic man swoops you up in a loving embrace.

"I missed you."

He whispers as he places a tender kiss to your hair.

"I missed you more."

You whisper back and place a kiss on his chin and nestle into him.

𝒫𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈ℯ 𝒟ℴ𝓃'𝓉 𝒢ℴ|| Julius x reader x BanessaWhere stories live. Discover now