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*in Paris, France
Knock knock
"Come in" you say going back to your painting.
"Ohh y/n i have a surprise for you" your dad say cheerfully.
"What surprise?" You turn around to look at your dad, who have a wide smile on.
"Where going back to japan!!!!" He say cheerfully.
"Really!?!?" You said happily, a smile on your face which melt your dad on the spot, not seeing his daughter smile much but now she smile so happily he can't help but feel more happier than ever.
"Yes! We are gonna be moving for the next 3 weeks so packed your stuff honey we are going back to japan!!!" Your dad say happily.
You are having glitter in your eyes and your dad of course see that and give you a hug.
"Can't wait to see them again" you said to your dad ears.
"Can't wait to see them also sweetie" your dad says calmly.
*three weeks later
"Were here" you said quietly.
"Yup" your dad say next to you.
After 3 weeks of packing clothes, taking declarations out and carefully packing every single each art supplies, your now out of the plane and in the air port to look for your family.
"Over here" you turn around to she your wonderful mom waving at you and your dad, standing next to her is your older sister Aiko, and her son Takeru.
(A/n: and yes Oikawa do have a older sister, a brother in-law and a nephew)
"Auntie Y/n!!!" Takeru run up to you and hug you.
"Wow you are so big the last time I hug you where only 5 now you're 8" you pick up Takeru.
"Hey say hello to me too" your dad said next to you.
"Hello grandpa" Tekeru said hugging his grandpa.
"Ahhhh my little sister grow up so pretty just like your big sister" Aiko said cupping your face.
"And i hope your dad didn't meet any French woman" your mom said glaring at your dad.
"Ni worry honey you're the one that I only love" your dad said sharing a passionate kiss with your mom.
"Ewww" Takeru said making the family laugh.
"Ohh where Toru-nii?" You ask not seeing your brother anywhere.
Your mom, dad and sister are looking at each other with a smirk on their faces.
"Takeru how about you tell auntie what we gonna do" Aiko said to her son.
"Where gonna go surprised uncle Toru!" Takeru said excitedly.
"Oh you didn't tell Toru?" You ask the three of them.
"Nope he thought you're not gonna be home until next year" your mom said.
"And Iwaizumi gonna be in this plan too" your sister said.
"Oh ok" you smile, even though it a really small smile it melted your family members heart.
"Woahhh auntie Y/n so prettyyyy" Takeru hug you.
"Now let's get on to surprising Toru!" Your dad said.
After getting in the car and Takeru please you for him to sit on your lap and a 1 hour car ride from the air port to Aoba Josai.
* at gym 2, Aoba Josai high school.
"Hey shittykawa they need you to sign the up coming practice match" Iwaizumi said.
"Oh Iwa-chan if you wan't my autograph you could just ask no need for stupid match reasons" Oikawa said earnings a karate chop from Iwaizumi.
Oikawa sulk and took his paper walk to the bench to sign his papers.
While he was reading and writing the paper, Iwaizumi sneaking you in which earning a couple of looks from the team.
"Hey Iwaizumi whose-" Hanamaki have cut of by a hand covering his mouth form saying anything further, it was Aiko. (We don't know how she sneaks behind Hanamaki)
"What the fu-" Matsukawa also a hand covering his mouth, it was coach.
"There's children watching!!!" coach whispered pointing at Takeru who is at the door watching.
There are some of Oikawa fan girl there as well and of course rhey get jealous,' like who are you walking up to Oikawa-san'. They are about to say something until Iwaizumi give them a stare which made them shut up right away.

You quietly walking up to Oikawa hoping he haven't know you are here, you lean down to his shoulder and look at his paper.
"A practice match with Karasuno hm... interesting" you said and immediately Oikawa turn around to see who it is and only to see... you.
"Y-Yn?" Oikawa said making sure you are his sister.
"Yup that's me" you said with a tiny smile on your face.
Oikawa pull you in for a hug and said "i miss you".
He pull you out the hug for a moment to ask you.
"I thought you are gonna be home next year" he ask.
"Well yeah but i come home early" you said wiping his tears.
"Well i'm glad your back"
He said hug you tightly again.
"Uhh hey Oikawa I thought you already have a girlfriend" Hanamaki said.
"Wait you already have a girlfriend?" You ask him.
"Way to ruin the moment Maki" said Iwaizumi.
" yeah forgot to tell you that" Oikawa said.
"You must be mistaken i'm his sister" you said to Hanamaki.
"Wait I thought you only have 1" Matsukawa said pointing at Aiko.
"And you didn't tell us your sister is a famous artist" said Yahaba.
"How do you know i am an artist?" You ask Yahaba.
"I read some articles about you" Yahaba said showing an article about some of your paintings.
"Oh no wonder you have so many paintings from that artist"
"Yeah of course i have two sisters, where do you think the paintings come from" Oikawa said all pouting.
"I don't know I thought your family was a collector" Hanamaki said.
"AND WAIT DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS IWA-CHAN!!! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!" said Oikawa pointing at Iwaizumi.
"Yeah" Iwaizumi said bluntly.
"HOW DID COACH KNOW BUT I DON'T!?!?!" Oikawa is now pointing at coach who have a grin on his face.
"It wasn't a surprise if you already knew Shittykawa" Iwaizumi said coach nodding in agreement.
"We're back"
"What the fuck?"
"Oh hey Kindaichi, Kunimi" said Watari.
"What going on?" Said Kindaichi still very confused, like they are just out to get the team water bottle refill! What happened here?
"The Oikawa family reunion" Yahaba said pointing at the Oikawa family talking happily.
"Oh" that what the two said.
Their wasn't any much to be surprised about for Kunimi but one particular person caught his eyes... and it's you.
His eyes widen a bit and his cheeks come slightly red but not much for anyone to notice.
"Hey isn't that Y/n from our first year in middle school?" Kindaichi ask making Kunimi snap back to reality.
"Y-yeah i guess so" Kunimi said.
'Did Kunimi just stuttered ?' Kindaichi think to himself.
"Anyway let's go say hi" Kindaichi said going up to you, Kunimi have no choice but to go with him well he also wants to see you too.
"Hey Y/n? Is that you?" Kindaichi call out to you.
"Oh Kindaichi, Kunimi is that you?" You said.
"Yeah is us long times no see" Kindaichi said with Kunimi standing next to him.
"Yeah you guys grow a lot taller than I expected" you said calmly.
"Yeah!" Kindaichi laugh.
You look at Kunimi who is right next to Kindaichi, you go up to him cupping hisface with your hand because your kinda short it make him bend down to your hight.
"You haven't changed Kunimi, still looks like when we were in middle school" you giggle gently which make Kunimi blush and trying the best he can to hide it.
Kindaichi notice and can't help but smirk 'he still have feelings~' Kindaichi coo in his head, but he is a good friend so he have to do what a best friend supposed to do 'help him out'.
"Hey Y/n i heard you won the young art competition" Kindaichi said starting a conversation.
"Yeah" you smile kindly.
You, Kindaichi and Kunimi just have some small talk, keeping up on what's happening.
"Your going to Seijoh right?" Kunimi ask.
"No i'm going to Shiratorizawa" you said bluntly.
The gym is quiet, too quiet until.
"What!?!?" Oikawa said.
"What since when did you go to Shiratorizawa?!?!" Oikawa said shaking your shoulder.
You look over to your two friends, Kindaichi jaw drop, Kunimi looks shock as well but looking in his eyes he seem kinda... disappointed?
"Your not going to Shiratorizawa" Oikawa pout.
"Hahahaha" you laugh sweetly, which made everyone confused.
"It's was a joke of course i will be going to seijoh" you giggle, and Oikawa give a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank the lord, Y/n-chan don't scared me like that" Oikawa hit your shoulder playfully.
"Fine fine wan't me to go home and make you food?" Oikawa eyes light up.
"Yes yes" Oikawa nod like a puppy.
"And all of you guys can join too if all of like" you said to everyone, they all nodded with a smile.
And of course Kunimi smile, an actual happy smile this time you can't help but smile too...

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