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*at Oikawa's house
The whole team was there, Oikawa lead them to the house of course. And just by the front door they could smell the delicious food being made and their mouth started watering.
"Oh hello" you greeted them.
You were in an apron, preparing the Shabu-shabu hot pot for everyone. They were looking at you in aww as you cooking some stuff for them.
"Y/n~" Toru hug you, trying to steel a peace of the shrimp tempura.
"No" you hit Oikawa hand, making him pull back immediately.
"Go entertain our guess first when i tell you the food is ready than you can eat and go wash your hand before touching anything" you said in a serious manner.
"Mean Y/n" Oikawa pout.
"Ha i teach her well" Iwaizumi ruffled your hair.
All of them finally sit down and they are talking about volleyball and stuff, they are having fun. Until Kindaichi got an idea...
"Hey Kunimi can you get me a glass of water?" Kindaichi said.
"No get it your self" Kunimi lazily said.
"Please come get it for me" Kindaichi beg.
"I'll buy you some salted caramel"
"Fine" well you can't stop the power of bribe.
Kunimi finally got up and lazily walk up to the kitchen, getting a cup to fill it up with water until...
"Hello Kunimi" you said softly.
Oh so that's Mother Fucking why Kindaichi tell Kunimi to get him some water. Kunimi felt so stupid for even being trick by Kindaichi's plan.
"O-oh hey" Kunimi said shyly.
"Would you like to try this Kuni?" You said picking up a peace of shrimp Tempura with your chopsticks.
And omg the nick name are you trying to kill this boy.
But regardless Kunimi nod taking a bite of the shrimp, eating it and trying so hard not to blush.
"Is it good?" You ask patiently.
"Y-yeah it's really good"
" glad you like it" you smile a bit.
Kunimi sit at the table just watching you cook in silence. Not an awkward silence but a actually it was kinda nice.
"Ok food's ready" you said plating the last food down.
"Kunimi can you tell the other that's food's ready please" you ask Kunimi, he just nod and go out to call the rest of the team and your family members.
"This looks great"
"Smells good too"
"The shabu-shabu looks amazing"
The team all phrased you for your cooking, you just nod.
Everyone sit down and just enjoying their meal, and having some small talk.

"I don't understand Oikawa how can a Person like you can have this good of a little sister?" Hanamaki ask eating his meat.
"Yeah i was thinking about that 15 years ago" your sister Aiko said.
"I was thinking the same thing when the first time i met Auntie" Takeru said.
"I was wondering even how she was in as an Oikawa" Iwaizumi said.
"We were thinking about that when she was born" your mom said.
"Well to answer your question Maki because i'm perfect" Toru said confidently.
Everybody just go talking and talking and you kinda stay their quiet. Eating your food, you can't wait to go to the separate room that your parents have give you to turn it into your art studio and unpack all of your art supplies.
"Hey Y/n are you gonna join any club?" Kunimi ask make you slap out of your thoughts.
"H-huh i sorry I didn't hear that" you said.
"A-are you joining any club" Kunimi ask again.
"Oh i'm not" you said calmly.
"Why?" Kunimi said confused.
"With all the art that needs to be done I don't have much time for club" you explain.
"Oh of course" Kunimi said kinda sounds likes he's disappointed.
"But i'll still visit the team often ok" you said smiling.
"Oh of course" Kunimi give you a small smile.
"Oh who at the door at this time?" Your mom said.
"I'll go get it" you volunteer.
You head to the door and open to see your best friend Kageyama.
"Nice to see you again" you hug Kageyama.
"Yeah i heard you are back so I bring you a bit of stuff" he said giving you a bag.
"Oh" you look in to the bag and see all the stuff that you like are there.
"Thank you" you hug him again.
"Oh have you got in karasuno?" You ask.
"No this stupid shrimp ruin my chance in" Kageyama said angrily.
"Well is there anyway in"
"Yeah there is but i have to work with hinata" he said.
"Well maybe you should work on your team work" you said.
"With that shrimp?! No way"
"At least you should try. it be better"
"Fine" Kageyama finally give up.
You two talk for a bit before someone call you.
"Hey Y/n what takes you so long?" You hear somebody behind you.
You turn around and it's Kunimi.
"Oh nothing" you said getting back to the door.
"Hey" Kunimi said to Kageyama.
"Hey" Kageyama bluntly said back.
"So what are you doing here?" Kunimi ask boredly.
"What I can't visit my best friend?" Kageyama said back.
'Wait you two are still friends?' Kunimi thought to himself.
"Hey now do you want to come in Tobio?" You ask Kageyama.
"No looks like i'm not welcome" Kageyama turn around.
"I'll call you later" he said before going back to his house.
"Sorry" Kunimi apologize go you.
"Oh! no it's ok. You know how Tobio is" you said.
'A first name to name basic with king' Kunimi thought in jealousy.
He stop thinking before looking at you, and it's looks like something is in your hair.
"Hey you got something on your hair" Kunimi said reaching for that thing in your hair.
You aren't hesitant and let him touch your hair.
"Hey what took you guys so long" both you and Kunimi turn to the person who just call you guys and of course it was Kindaichi.
Kindaichi understand the situation... well kinda. 'KUNIMI IS MAKING A MOVE!!!' Kindaichi thought to himself happy for his friends and oh! Wait is he ruining the moment? Yeah he should leave and let the both of you continue.
"Well is looks like the both of you are busy so you two should continue" Kindaichi said walking back to the dining room.
Kunimi of course knew his best friend really well and knew what Kindaichi was thinking.
'You MF' Kunimi thought to himself.
He turn to you with his hand still in your hair and his eyes lead up to your eyes, making direct eyes contact and you two can't help but to turn around and blush.
"H-hey i think we should get back" you said.
"Y-yeah" you two return to the dining room.
The rest of the night went well. All of you having fun like singing karaoke, eating more snack and watching a movie.
The night finally end and all of the team went home and of course kunimi and kindaichi went home together.
"I ducking hate you" kunimi said Face palming his face.
"What i was just being a good friend" Kindaichi teas.
"Yeah yeah" Kunimi said sarcastically.
"Hey who was at the door when i came in?" Kindaichi ask.
"Kageyama" kunimi said bluntly.
"What was he doing their?"
"Visiting his best friend" Kunimi said annoyed.
"Wait they are still friends after Y/n went to Paris?"
"Well yeah I guess they still keep in touch"Kunimi shrugs his shoulder.
"What if they are a thing?" Kindaichi ask.
"Well i guess hope not" Kunimi said before looking at the moon...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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