Yin Yu walked his way to where Wei Ying said they would meet. When he reached the near end if the garden, just by the lake, he saw Wei Ying who was fiddling something in his hands. He let out a small smile behind that mask and walked over towards the young master.
"Young Master Wei, I'm here."
Wei Ying turned around and brightly grinned at Yin Yu.
"Yu-ge! Come quickly!"
Yin Yu letting out a breath as he walked over to the young master.
"I told you to keep your mask off"
"That is something I can't do, Young Master Wei."
Yin Yu knelt down besides Wei Ying.
"Then take it off when you come and play with me."
"I shall see your needs then."
"Stop being so formal! It feels like you're not my Bestfriend..."
Wei Ying gave a pout.
"You know I can't do that to the young master."
Wei Ying stood up and took Yin Yu's mask off.
"You know Yu-ge is my best friend. No more formalities!"
Yin Yu sighed as he placed his hand on Wei Yings' head.
"Such a stubborn young master."
"You talk like the dead."
"Is there anything else before we go play?"
Wei Ying placed the made flower crown on his head."
"It will make you prettier!"
Yin Yu let out a breath as his cheeks tinted pink.
"You're always up to something when you mention appearances, how come you never forget my face?"
"Because Yu-ge is very pretty!"
Yin Yu just chuckled as he watched Wei Ying smile.
"Young master looks really pretty when he smiles. Please smile more."
"I will always smile because being sad isn't good! Because sad backwards is das and das not good!"
Yin Yu let out a fit of laughter. He knows that he got this sense of humor from Xie Lian but when the young master delivers it, it's enough to make your belly ache.
"Yu-ge! Breath! Breath!"
Yin Yu continues to laugh on the ground as Wei Ying held him tightly. Only to stop with tears in his eyes.
"I've never laughed this hard in such a long time..."
Yin Yu looked at Wei Ying who was looking at him worried.
"Don't worry about me A-Ying, let's go play and-"
"Little Child."
Hua Cheng had called Wei Ying who was playing with Yin Yu.
"Sorry to disturb your playdate but I want to introduce Wei Ying to some of my subordinates."
Wei Ying looked at Yin Yu and gave him a soft smile.
"Wait for me Yu-ge! I'll come play with you later."
Wei Ying made his way to Hua Cheng who gladly took his hand. Yin Yu stood with his mask in hand.
"I'll always wait for the young master to come back."
Hua Cheng and Wei Ying made their way to the Paradise Hall.

Grande Amour
Fanfiction๑Reconsidering๑ Wei Ying roamed the streets of Yiling. Desperately calling for his mother and father as the blood on his arms drip. Bumping into a trash collecting Gege and his Handsome husband as he whines. How did this poor boy become the Prince o...