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*Y/n's POV*

"Look out! Look out!"
"You're going the wrong way!"
"Crazy mammoth!"
Me and Manny walked through the crowd of animals as they were heading south and we were heading north. As we passed all the mammals I held a very annoyed and irritated face, I glanced up at my brother. Yes my brother, me and Manny have been together for as long as I can remember and we've always had each others backs, some annoying moments too just like siblings would. I don't mind though cause I love him and he loves me but we're both too stubborn to admit it.
Me and Manny stopped looking down at the animal with unamused faces.
"Do the world a favour! Move your issues off the road!"
"If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't be drawing attention to myself, Pal!" Manny said as he got close to the animals face, as I smirked down at him.
"G-give me a brake, we've been waddlin' all day" behind him showed up his kids and wife, I looked over at Manny trying to get across that we should leave them be and keep moving.
"Oh go ahead, follow the crowd it'll be quieter once you're gone!" Manny exclaimed as we continued on our way.
"Ah come on if they want to freeze to death let them." and so they followed the crowd south and again we headed north.

*Time skip brought to you by Sid the sloth*

"Manny what's that sound?" I looked to Manny in confusion, he just shrugged back at me. Wow Manny thanks I rolled my eyes. Then something green and stinky, ugh, knocked into Manny from behind.
"Hey!" me and Manny turned around to face a... Sloth?
"Just pretend that I'm not here" the Sloth said to us and ran behind Manny as we watched 2 Rhinos charge toward us coming to a sudden hult when seeing us in front of the Sloth.
"Aw man, I wanted to hit him at full speed" said the upset Rhino number 1
"That's ok Frank, we can still have some fun with him" said Rhino number 2, I snickered at the name as Manny smirked down to me.
"Don't let them impale me, please I want to live!" cried the sloth still behind Manny again I rolled my eyes at how many stupid animals roam the Earth.
"Get off me!" said Manny whilst shaking the sloth off his leg, making him land in the open but then scurried back to behind Manny again. I chuckled at this and turned back towards the Rhino's.
"Come on you're making a scene"
"Uh-huh we'll just take our furry piñata and go, if you don't mind."
"Hey buddy if it's not them today, it's just someone else tomorrow." Manny told the animal still cowering behind his tall figure.
"Well I'd rather it not be today, okay?" the sloth somewhat calmly stated.
"Look we're gonna break your neck so you don't feel a thing, how's that?" stated one of the Rhino, honestly I've forgotten which one.
"Wait a minute. I thought rhino's were vegetarians?" I stated moving slightly in front of Manny, questioning the 2 rhino's.
"An excellent point!"
"Shut up!" I let a little smile creep through and so did Manny at my reaction.
"Who says we're gonna kill him after we eat him?"
"Yeah come on move it!" ugh seriously I HATE animals that kill for pleasure, this caused me to let out a low growl.
"You know we don't like animals that kill for pleasure." I spat out at the rhino's getting into a threatening stance.
"Save it for a mammal that cares" snarled the rhino.
"I'm a mammal that cares!" shared the sloth, I rolled my eyes turning to glare at the sloth.
"Okay, look, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of you, you can have the sloth." Mannt stated, I hope he knows there isn't a sinkhole there, I thought glancing towards Manny's direction.
"That's right you losers. Take one more step, and you're dead!" shouted the sloth, while throwing a stone which landed on the 'sinkhole' causing Manny's bluff to be proven wrong. I turned to the sloth growling in annoyance.
"You were bluffing, huh?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that was a bluff." honestly this sloth couldn't shut his mouth for one second. Then the sloth started running while the rhino's charged towards us yelling,
"Get him!" Manny moved in front of me and sid, using his tusks to stop the rhino's but was slowly pushing us akk backwards towards the cliff edge. I looked back ahead to Manny wandering what he was going to do. Me and the sloth were now clinging to  each one of Manny's back legs, now hanging over the cliff edge. Manny collected all the strength he could muster and started walking forwards and flinging the rhino's away from us, allowing us to stand on land again.
"Woo-hoo!" exclaimed the sloth but then screammed again, and running behind Manny and next to me. Manny charged towards the incoming rhino's, swooping one up by the horns, swinging him round and round sending him flying. Then as the next one was coming Manny scooped him up and flung him over to beside the other.
"Woo-hoo! We did it! We did it!" celebrated the sloth while jumping and hugging Manny's trunk, ugh that sloth did nothing, I rolled my eyes. All of a sudden we all began sliding backwards falling off the ledge and down the cliff.
"You have beautiful eyes" the sloth complimented Manny while staring deeply into them. I slowly got up off the ground and so did Manny, dropping the sloth as he did so saying "Get off my face." me and my brother began to walk away.
"Woah, you guys and me make a great team. What'd you say about headin' South together?" said the sloth.
"Great. Yeah. Hey why you jump on my back the whole way!" Manny sarcastically stated making me chuckle lowly at my brother.
"Wow really!?" the sloth exclaimed excitedly, god he really is stupid I thought while scoffing and rolling my eyes, I do that a lot.
"No" Manny said bluntly.
"Wait. Aren't you guys heading south?" he questioned.
"The changes of seasons? Migration instincts? Any of this ringing a bell?"
"I guess not. Bye." Manny was obviously quite irritated by the sloth's presence and so was I.
"Ok then thanks for the help, I can take it from here." Thank god! He's gone and left us alone finally, this brought a smile to both mine and my brother's faces until...
"Woah! That whole South thing is way overrated. The heat? The crowds? I mean who needs it? I mean isn't this great?" No I thought as a frown fell upon our faces.
"You 2 and me, 2 bachelors and bachlorette just knocking about in the wild."
"No you just want a body guard so you don't become somebody elses side dish." I mean Manny isn't wrong.
"You're a very shrewd mammal." I couldn't contain my laughtet at this as I knew it was true, my laughter earned a glare from Manny which resulted in a shrug from me but my smile never left.
"Okay then you lead the way Mr. Big uhhhh... I didn't get the name?" the sloth told Manny after a quick smile to me, waiting for a name from Manny.
"Manfred." Manny said coldly.
"Manfred? Yuck, man. How about Manny the Moody Mammoth? Or Manny the melancholy? Manny the..." then he gasps whilst Manny wrapped his trunk around the tree the sloth was hiding on
"Stop following us!" Manny told the sloth and we continued walking hoping the sloth would leave us alone.
"Ok, ok, so you've got issues. You won't even notice I'm here. I'll just zip the lip." motioning that his lips are sealed, but I find it hard to believe he'll stay quiet, I mean he's talked more than I have in a week. But then I was right cause the sloth, who we now know to be Sid, said "Hey, I didn't get your name?" I looked towards Sid and told him my name, "Y/n"
"Wow that's a beautiful name."
"Thank you" after that all 3 if us just walked while Sid talked.

I hope you enjoyed my first chapter, Ik it was long but I love writing and giving detail.


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