We're So Close

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Hey guys jusf thought I'd let you knoe that the last couple may be a little shorter. Enjoy!!!
~Y/n's POV~
"Well would you look at that. Tiger actually did it." Manny proclaimed and we all stood facing Half Peak. Diego did it, he actually did it, this doesn't mean I like him though he still irritates me.
"Next stop, Glacier Pass." we're almost done, thr baby is almost back with his father. I smiled at the thought.
"How could we have ever of doubted you." Manny smiled down at the saber and I just smiled at Manny, he was being the kind side of himself. It's nice.
"Did you hear that little fella? You're almost home." Sid told the baby. I walked over to Manny and the baby and started walking beside them a little forward to where the baby could see me. I heard whimpering and struggling, I turned my head to look at the baby and saw him reaching for me, I was shocked. I'm a saber. Manny saw how I was shocked, so he lifted the baby to on top of my back, the baby clung onto my neck, hugging me and smiling. I looked at Manny still in pure shock but a slight smile came through. Manny smiled down at me.
"You know Y/n, not everyone and everything is scared of you. I mean sure, when you're annoyed or angry then your no the nicest person out there but, all these qualities is what people like about you. Even that human baby." Manny explained to me while taking glances at me. I just thought over his words for a moment.
"It's not that Manny, I'm just shocked because wherever we've been the only mammal to ever actually talk to me normally and not be afraid was you. I was at peace with always being the bad guy, but now there's Sid who is honestly not afraid of anything, even if he was he'd still do it or talk to it. There's Diego who is another saber but challenges me and my abilities. " I griwled a little ahen I had mentioned Diego, this made Manny chuckle and me glare at him.
"Now there's the baby, who isn't afraid that I might disembowel him. It's all just different, nice and weird but different. And if anything I'm the one more afraid of myself." I had finished what I was saying to Manny, and he looked down at me a little confused and angered by what I had just said.
"Y/n, you were and are not like them. If you were, you would've done exactly what they had millions of times." Manny sternly informed me, I just sighed and looked down and Manny softened his look a little.
"Y/n, I can confirm that we were all scared of you once but now we've grown to know you more. Sure we may talk more than you would to them but it's ok cause you're not used to being this social. Just know it's ok and you're not like them. What they did was wrong and you know that. " once he had finished, my eyes had teared up a little, Manny was always able to make things seem a lot better and easier. I'm glad I have him as a brother. I nuzzled his side with a smile and he quickly hugged me with his trunk. Then we focused back on the journey. Almost there.
"My feet are sweating." stated Sid, ugh come on Sid.
"Do we have to get a news flash everytime your body does something?" I questioned.
"Just ignore him. He's doing it for attention." we all chose to ignore Sid.
"No, seriously my feet are really... Hot. Ow! Hoo! Ow!" Sid started making a fuss and tried to quickly move away from where he was stood. Then we all stopped as we heard a deep grumbling sound.
"Tell me that was your stomach?" Manny asked Diego.
"Shhh." Diego and I were trying figure out what it was and what was happening.
"I'm sure it was just thunder. From underground?" we all looked down to the ground. Then a hole behind us burst lava up through the ice behind us, this woke up the baby on my back.
"Run!" me and Sid shouted while we all started running. I felt the baby grip me tighter, he was scared. I frowned at this.
Manny take the baby, he'll have a better chance of not falling on you! " I yelled and Manny did as I asked. As we were running more of the holes appeared, ice broke off causing us to be on un unsturdy bridge. A lava river flowing down below us. Ice then broke of from behind me but in front of Diego. I looked at him, he looked at me with an equal amount of worry. I may not like him but I still worry he'll die. Diego then jumped across the gap back with the rest of us.
"Wow I wish I could jump like that." really Sid it is not the time.
"Wish granted." wait, Manny? Manny then kicked Sid over to the other side where it was safe. I would have laughed at this but we were very, very, high up and to make it worse above lava.
"Come on move faster!" Diego grew impatient. I just kept quiet, Manny knew why which is why he didn't try to talk to me during this experience.
"Have you noticed the river of lava?" Manny wasn't wrong. Manny noticed ice beginning to melt, to break away. He looked at the baby and jumped over where it would break. It was me and Diego left on the otherside.
"We have to jump the gap."
"Are you crazy Diego! Look at how wide it is and where we are right now."
"We're sabers this is like a walk in the park, come on kitty." I looked at him and his use of that stupid name. I looked back down and took a deep breath. I faced forwards and so did Diego.
"I'll jump first to see if it's possible." he told me.
"Then you jump after no matter what happened to me got it, kitty?" I nodded my head.
"Guys! Jump!" Manny was shouting to us.
~Diego's POV~
I knew I wouldn't make the jump fully, but I'll be able to grab onto the ledge which would allow Y/n to jump over and use me as an aid to safety.
I got ready to jump and jumped, just as I had said. I hung onto the ledge.
"Y/n jump across!"
"Diego are you serious!"
"It's ok, use me as an aid, I'll be fine." I told her calmly.
Then she jumped and landed just on the upper half of my body, she clawed at the ice and made it onto the otherside safely. As long as she's safe.
~Y/n's POV~
I had nade it across safely. I looked back around to see Diego clinging on for dear life. I didn't want Diego to fall. Manny handed the baby to Sid.
"Here, hold this." he then went over towards Diego with caution and reached for him with his trunk. Manny grabbed hold of Diego but the ice they were on started cracking. I moved forward a little, wanting them to be safe. Manny then flung Diego over his shoulder to us, he stood up and we all turned back to Manny who was about to come back when... The ice broke.
"Manny!!" I yelled out to my brother as we locked eyes. Soon the ice and him on it fell down while he blew his trunk. He's gone. Manny is gone. My brother, only family left is gone. I closed my eyes as tears threatened to fall. Then another rumble was heard, I looked up to see Manny and the ice land on the ground before us.
"Manny!" me and Sid ran over to him, to make sure he was ok.
"Manny, Manny, Manny. You ok?" Sid asked as we stood beside him.
"Come on, come on. Say something. Anything!" we stared at Manny hoping for a response. Then a mumble came from Manny.
"What? What? I can't hear you."
"You're standing on my trunk." I looked down and saw Sid stood on his trunk, so I pushed him off. Manny took a great gasp for air as Sid hugged him.
"You're ok." I said happily at Manny who wrapped me in his trunk for a hug. We both needed it.
"Why did you do that?" we turned and all looked at Diego.
"You could have died trying to save me." yes he very well could have. So why did he? I looked at Manny who looked at me and back at Diego.
"That's what you do in a herd." I smiled at Manny's answer. Herd. That's quite nice I'll admit.
"You look out for each other." Manny finsihed. That we do, and always will wether you're annoying or irritating or stink, we're still there for one another.
"Well, thanks" I let a small smile creep through at Diego, tigey-wigey is definitely a softie.
"I don't know about you guys but we are the weirdest herd, I've ever seen." I looked around at Sid's words and he was right. A mammoth, sloth, human baby and 2 saber tooth tigers this was not you're everyday herd or group. But that's what was nice about it, we're different and we liked it.
~Time skip brought by the weirdest herd~
We were all walking but now it was snowing again and windy like crazy.
"Guys! We gotta get this kid outta the wind!" Manny could not be more right, I looked up at the baby who was trying tonget himself as close as possible to Manny for warmth.
"How much further?" I asked Diego.
"Three miles." that wasn't that far, we could make it there in the morning. Right now we needed shelter.
"We'll get there in the morning." Thank you Manny for voicing my thoughts, I rolled my eyes. We turned around and saw Sid drawing on a wall.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"I'm putting sloths on the map." I giggled at this.
"Yeah, why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down."
"And make him rounder." Diego followed after Manny and looped around Sid as Manny took the rock from Sid and drew a circle around his belly, making him rounder.
"Perfect" I stated making my way over smirking, alongside Diego.
"Ha, ha. I forgot how to laugh" Sid turned back around and started scribbling the sloth in until sparks flew of onto a pile of sticks beside us. We all looked back at Sid suprised.
"I'm a genius." oh god now Sid is gonna have a massive ego, I winced at the idea.
"From now on you will have to refer to me as Sid, Lord of the flame." I rolled my eyes, we had now made the fire bigger by adding more sticks. I was sat beside Diego but not too close, there was good sized gap between us. We were beside Manny who held the baby.
"Hey, Lord of the flame. You're tails on fire" Sid looked down in realisation and began running around us trying to put the fire out. I laughed at the sight before me and so did the baby. Then Diego grabbed Sid, having had enough, and pulled him into the snow between us. Cooling Sid's tail off.
"Thank you. From now on I'm gonna call you Diego." Sid started.
"Lord of touch me, and you're dead." Sid looked afraid, I smirked.
"I'm just kidding, you little knucklehead." Diego said while grabbing Sid and giving him a noogie.
"Hey, lovebirds." Diego stopped and we all looked at Manny.
"Check this out." Manny stood the baby up and he went to step forward but fell. Manny stood him up again and this time the baby started taking his first steps. Wow. Amazing. I smiled over at them.
"I don't believe it." Sid stated as the baby took a few more steps in the direction of Sid.
"Come here you little biped. Come here, you little wormy worm." As the baby got closer to Sid he turned around and started heading towards Diego. Diego looked suprised and awkward at this.
"No, no, no, no. Go to him." the baby still continued toward Diego.
"Go to him." Diego tried again. The baby had tripped onto Diego's paw and held onto him. Diego looked down unsure.
"Um, okay. Good job. Uh, keep practicing." I watched as Diego lifted his paw to stand him and nudge the baby back over at Manny. I smirked towards Diego.
"Don't even Y/n." he shook his head at me.
"Tigey-wigey really is a softie." I teased Diego, this earned a playful glare from him.
"Kitty-witty really does know how to talk nicely." Diego smirked back at me and I rolled my eyes before turning back towards the fire.
"Look at that our little guy's growing up." Sid said all emotional. I layed my head on my paws and closed my eyes. I was tired so decided to get some sleep.
~Diego's POV~
"Look at that big push over." Sid said sitting beside me, opposite to Y/n's side.
"You know what, Diego, I've never had a friend who would risk his life for me." I looked over at Manny.
"Yeah. Manny's... He's a good guy." I said watching him. I felt guilty, after everything that had happened in the cave and us finding out more about both Manny and Y/n I have felt really guilty.
"Yeah, he is. Well, goodnight." Sid told me before laying down and sleeping. I looked around at us all. Then my eyes landing on the beautiful saber. She was sleeping so soundly, as I watched her carefully I thought back to the moment we shared in the cave. When we nuzzled each other and shared a hug just so she'd have comfort. She confided her comfort in me, and I was leading her and the others into a trap. I couldn't I just couldn't do that to her. I layed my head on my paws and went to sleeo, I have to stop this.

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