Journey Onwards

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~Y/n's POV~

I awoke while giving a massive yawn and stretching my body. I stood up and looked around to find I was the first awake, I looked over at Manny and realised that the baby wasn't there. Making my way towards him I gently nudged Manny.

"What is it Y/n?" he said sleepy and groggily, I rolled my eyes at this.

"I thought I'd ask where the baby was?" his eyes soon shot open realising that the baby was no longer in his grasp, he got up and stomped over to Diego who woke up due to the ground shaking and loud thuds of Manny's feet.

"Where's the baby!?" Manny was really mad.

"What?! You lost it?!" 

"If you don't have it, then who does?!" Manny was way beyond angry at this point. I looked around and realized that Sid wasn't here.

"Hey guys." they looked at me. "Where's Sid?"

"SID!" the boys exclaimed, then Manny went in one direction to look for him, while me and Diego went in another.

(Again I decided to put a video up of this part just because I'd rather do the main story.)

"So..." Diego started.

"How come you're travelling with a sloth and a mammoth, not a pack?" I looked at Diego who was beside me, I didn't know what to tel him, I didn't even know if I could trust him.

"Well, uh..." Should I tell him?

"Manny and I are like brother and sister, I mean we've been by each other's side for as long as I can remember. He found me when I was just a 2 and a half week old cub, abandoned in the snow. He actually gave me a name considering I didn't know and neither did he, but with Sid is different, we met him while he needed protection from some rhinos he pissed off." I kept some details out of my story but that's only because it's a touchy subject for me. 

I looked back over to Diego and saw him staring at me with a look of sympathy? Wait, did Diego feel sorry for me? No. He can't be, he only knows I was abandoned.

"What about you? How come we didn't see you with a pack?" I tried to switch the subject to about him. Diego froze for a second before continuing on.

"I left my pack." was all he said and not looking at me once. Why would he leave his pack, I thought but before I could ask a scream came from around the corner. And it was Sid. Of course.

"Woah! Oh, thank goodness. Thank goodness." Sid breathed in relief, me and Diego shared a confused look before looking back at Sid.

"Oh, no! A tiger! Help! Help!" Sid yelled leaving me and Diego even more puzzled at who he was yelling to, and what he had done this time.

"Sid, where's the baby?" I asked.

"Oh, he's fine. Manfred has him." I breathed a sigh of relief, that the baby was ok.

"Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. Ohh!" Sid was talking to Diego as I just watched confused, so did Diego.

"He's got me! Oh, help." I had no idea what Sid has done but this is ridiculous.

"Get away from me." Diego tells Sid before he and I begin to walk away. Then I heard a roar and turned to see Sid trapped in Diego's mouth pretending to act dead. Diego looked at the green thing in his mouth before looking ahead to see 2 rhinos coming towards us. Wait! These were the same rhinos that were chasing Sid before he met us.

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