2. Maisie

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"Oh sorry" I say as soon as I open the door.

"Yeah just get out of my way" The guy says rudely and as he wished, he pushes Vanessa and I out of the way.

"That's Niall Horan" Vanessa gasps.

"So?" I question.

"He's only like the hottest guy in the fucking universe. God spent extra time on him" I hit Vanessa's arm playfully as she giggles.

"Alright so what are we doing here? It's like two in the morning. You dragged me out of bed for this?" I laugh. Vanessa pulls me by the arm and brings me to the bar. If only I weren't in my sweats. I'd be perfectly fine to be in this situation.

"Well Masie, your finally twenty-one. Old enough to drink in these shitty bars, and plus this is the only place that's open twenty-four/seven" Vanessa smiles proudly and wraps her thin little arms around me. "Happy birthday babe" She says in my ear and I smile, hugging her back.

"Aw thanks Vanessa, you never seem to amaze me" She pulls away and wipes a tear from her face. "Don't cry" I comfort her.

"No it's just, I've been through a lot of bullshit to get here you know, and to have you by my side it's just" She sighs and looks at her hands on her lap. "I still remember the day we first met" Given the fact that today is my twenty first birthday and my best friend Vanessa has prepared a speech for me. I can't help but tear up a bit.

"Vanessa please don't do this" I plea.

"Okay fine, alright it's your birthday and it's a special day. Let's have fun, today is your day we can do whatever you want now that your twenty-one. Let's order a drink" Vanessa is quick to shut her emotions, she's up and ready in seconds. As soon as we have our drinks she makes a small toast and watches me as I take my first drink as a legal drinker.

"So what do you want to do later today?" She asks.

"Nothing I didn't have anything planned" I confess as I shrug my shoulders. I'd go back home to visit but I'm not under great terms with my family right now.

"Oh come on you have to think of something to do. I already have reservations to take you to a night club later around nine" I groan at Vanessa's plan. She's always ready to do something crazy every night.

"Why can't I just sleep in, you already woke me up this night" I whine.

"It took me at least an hour and a half to wake you up. My plan was to be exactly on midnight but damn your a heavy sleeper" Vanessa complains.

"I'm getting old, I need my sleep" I rest my head on my arms and pretend to fall asleep. Only to get lightly smacked against my back. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You are no fun" She pouts taking another drink.

"Then I don't see why your not friends with me anymore" I joke.

"Twenty first birthday's are suppose to be fun, living life on the edge of the cliff, falling in love for the first time. And all you want to do is go to sleep. What's the fun in that?" Vanessa has always been that type of person. Since we were kids she was always doing any kind of rebellion. Breaking the rules, sneaking out at night. Even now, she's desperate to do anything out of the ordinary.

"Maybe you'll find someone to love today" Vanessa widens her eyes, grabbing my hands and sinking her nails into my skin.

"I already have someone to love who is loyal to me, who is my favorite hello and hardest goodbye" I say as if I were reading a poem written by Shakespeare.

"You do? Already?" I almost laugh when Vanessa questions me.

"My bed" Vanessa smacks my arm again. I let out a breath and look at my drink. I sigh once again rotating my finger around the rim of the glass.

"You okay?" Vanessa asks me and I nod. She knows me too well to know that I'm not okay. "Maisie he was an ass, he doesn't deserve you"

"I know" I breathe.

"And that was a dick move of him, leaving you like that for no apparent reason. Meeting up with you only to have him text you. That's a real ass right there" It hurt to know what his intentions were.

"Let's not talk about him, I want to get my mind off of him" I pull my hair back. My eyes are tired yet I feel the liquor running through my veins.

"Alright fine" She huffs.

"God, men are disgusting and rude and only think about themselves" I take another drink. Waiting for Vanessa to add something else but I'm surprised when a male voice answers instead.

"Not all guys are the same" I cock my head behind Vanessa. There sits a tall, lean guy, with thick brown curls nested on his head, his skin is tan and I can't help but stare at his drawings that are printed on his arms.

"Yes but they all aim for the same thing" I look away and bring my glass to my lips. "To get into a girls pants" I hear him chuckle.

"Sure, but there's a major difference between men and guys" I look at him again. He wears a smirk and I can tell he's drunk. His English accent is thick and so is the strong smell of alcohol coming from him.

"Harry" He offers me his hand and I shake it.

"Maisie" I smile slightly. "And this is my best friend Vanessa" He looks at Vanessa and shakes her hand. Though he doesn't miss the way she stares at him.

"Styles? Harry Styles" She says to herself.

"That's me" He smirks.

"Do you know Michael? Michael Bennett, he always talks about you" She still doesn't let go of his hand, but he's the first to let go.

"Mikey, yeah I know him. He's a pain in the ass but he's good company" He laughs.

Vanessa rests her chin on her hand. Completely taken aback by Harry's presence. She looks mesmerized. And maybe today someone will fall in love after all.

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