Sick cat.

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Wilbur wasn't sure why a sneeze became such a big deal.

Tommy almost dropped him when he sneezed, shouting in surprise and adjusting his grip when the cat hybrid almost fell out. Phil's wings flapped unmoving in the air when it happened, demanding that Tommy held onto him tighter as they started moving again. He then had to deal with a certain elytrian hybrid nagging on about not hiding when he was sick as well as a teenager asking if he was okay every couple of seconds.

And well, he didn't need to look at Techno to know that the piglin hybrid was harvesting an unimpressed look.

Wilbur was almost falling asleep when he felt Phil lowering them to the ground, the sound of gentle flapping lulling his brain softly as the haziness in his eyes shifted to his head. The cotton wool returned softly, building up in his ears as sounds became more muffled and harder to comprehend. He felt what was like a battering on his skull, causing him to lazily move his head to the side when the cat hybrid finally registered it.

'Soot? Soot, can you hear us?' The cat hybrid blinked slowly as he tried to clear the haziness from his eyes, slowly shifting to look at Techno. The piglin hybrid was stood in front of him, concern reflected in his eyes as he softly continued to tap at his head.

'How out is he?'

'I think he can hear us, but he looks pretty out Phil...' Wilbur let his eyes close again, leaning against Tommy more when he lost the energy to hold his head up.

'Soot... need... shift?'

'What if... want...'

He heard them mumbling distantly, only catching a few words of their conversation. The cat hybrid carefully opened his eyes when he heard a door close, gradually moving to jump out of the teen's arms when the familiar red colour of the sofa came into his view.

'Tommy, it'll be better if he's on the floor.'


'If we can convince him... it's better he isn't lying down.'

The raccoon hybrid complied and lowered him to the floor; gently keeping him there when he tried to move. Wilbur was too drowsy to fight, allowing himself to flop against the hardwood and flutter his eyes shut.

'No, no, no... Soot you need to stay awake for a bit, alright?' The cat hybrid meowed sleepily at the elytrian, blinking slowly as he willed himself to keep a grip on consciousness. He felt a blanket cascade against his fur, the warmth of it suffocating Wilbur and making him feel even more sluggish.

'Phil.' He heard Techno say, his tone making him subconsciously glance over. 'It would be easier...' All 3 of them were knelt beside him, a hesitant look growing in Phil's eyes. Wilbur couldn't help but feel uneasy when no one spoke, the silence growing over them all uncomfortably.

'Soot...' Phil began after a while, the cat hybrid's hazy eyes watching him carefully. 'Do you think you could shift for us?'

Wilbur froze at the question, his brain shutting down instantly. He could see Phil and Techno talking, their nervous expressions growing when they realised he had zoned out again. The cat hybrid couldn't remember the last time he had shifted; the years of familiar routine shutting out the information whenever it surfaced. He didn't remember what it felt like to be human; to have easily controlled limbs and an ability to communicate that he found himself desiring. Wilbur didn't know what he sounded like anymore, whether his accent had faded over time or even if he'd be able to anymore. Anxiousness bubbled in the pit of his stomach as he softly shook his head; the sight of black dots becoming accustomed in his vision.

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